Python Paraview plugin implementing reader for results produced by Eclipse simulator.
- - readme and basic documentation
eclipse_reader.xml - encapsuled plugin file
- - macro to show labels of wells
eclipse_reader_template.xml - XML template without the script body
- - script implementing RequestData, just call particular method in Eclipse class
- - RequestInformation script, Eclipse class
- - script that creates final XML of the plugin (adding script into the template)
test.egrid - test mesh
test.unrst - test data
- - unit tests
The plugin was tested with ParaView version 4.2.
- Put eclipse_reader.xml into lib/paraview-4.2/plugins of your paraview installation.
- Start paraview.
- In the menu choose: Tools -> Manage Plugins ... You should see "eclipse_reader" plugin in the list. If not continue with following: Choose "Load New...". In "Files of type:", choose "XML". Select your copy of eclipse_reader.xml. Expand eclipse_reader item in the list of plugins. And Check "Auto Load"
- Use Macros -> Add new macro ... to select "" file. This step also copy the file into ParaView directory.
To read Eclipse result data use File -> Open ... and select either ".egrid" or ".unrst" file.
Wait a moment until Python libraries are loaded. Use green "Apply" button. To actually read the data.
In order to show well's labels use Macro -> show_wells. This creates two additional filters in the pipeline and change some view settings in order to show the labels. These can be deleted at any time without influence on the main data.
In order to have fast response, Paraview use decimation. The limit on data size for using the decimation is quite low and can be enlarged in Edit -> Settings... -> "Render View" tab. Set the first slider name "Interactive Rendering Options" to size of the data in MB.
To elevate the data you have two options:
- Use "Transform" filter: Filters -> Aplhabetical -> Transform, and set last component of Scale. This creates elevated copy of your data. With Z-coordinates scaled.
- In Properties panel, Properties tab use wheel icon to show advanced properties. Scroll down to "Transforming" section ans set last component of Scale. This just change the view of your data, so Z-coordinates are preserved.
===================================================================== Development notes:
Eclipse file extensions: DBG - debug output EGRID - egrid mesh file INIT - initial file INSPEC MSG - message output PRT - TXT, main printer output RFT - vector file (graphing data) RSM - TXT, Run Summary RSSPEC - unformatted index for restart files SMSPEC - summary specification file (root file name, number of vector data - wells, positions of wells (cell or region number)) UNRST - unified restart file UNSMRY - unified summary file (vector data at ministeps)