This is a basic sample of Spring Boot with Swagger, the goal is to describe the structure of the application APIs using swaggers as well as documentation. For to do that I built an application with a RESTful services with the basic CRUD operations, the application is connected to H2 database. With the use of swagger now we can test the different CRUD operations from a friendly webpage.
I used the following technologies:
- Swagger 2.6.1
- Spring Boot 1.5.3.RELEASE
- Spring Data
- H2 Database
Compile the project with the following command:
mvn clean install
The project is a Spring Boot Application, so you can run inside of your ide or from terminal with the following command:
mvn spring-boot:run
You can access from the following URL:
- If you prefer you can use any database client, else, you can access from the following URL:
- Go to: http://localhost:8080/contacts/h2-console
- Setting the following parameters:
Driver class : org.h2.Driver
JDBC URL : jdbc:h2:mem:test
User Name : sa
Password :
- Click on
Test Connection
button, this should returnTest successful
- Click on
button. - Now you can see the