Drag bodies around during creation stageScale / Resize bodies?Should I use handlebars? A slider?Move world around on dragSet world parameters - air friction, gravity, size, bounds?Set world bounds- Polygon implementation? Draw your own, or just specify number of sides?
Implement constraint behaviorsCollision callbacks??Fix camera issue when refreshing scene- Set limits on some controls - i.e. only add force if body is colliding with another body (i.e. on the floor);
- Camera to maintain it's position on refresh?
- "Look Inside" feature - (show vectors, forces, eqns of motion?)
- Debug view - show vectors (accel, pos, vel, forces, torque)
- Implement sensors for collision events
- Let collisions remove contraints as well as destroy bodies
- User settable styles
- Handlebars for object resizing
- CTRL-Z for undo
ESC to deselect objects- Drag To Highlight multiple bodies
- Batch Edit
- Limit values of certain properties to prevent exploding simulations
- Transition to a new world, add some delay so it's not instantaneous
- 3/30: Need to finish implementing text edit
- Ideally, combine Behavior Panel, Style Panel, and Edit Text Panel all into one. Shoudl be simple. Just make a container that shows somethign based on whatever is toggled in the redux store