A chinese/mandarin translation/learning aid (local browser page) to compare text word by word
Below is a demo image of running the downloaded html/javascript with some sample chinese/mandarin character text cut/paste from google translate.
Characters are mostly ordered by usage frequency with color coding
- green - single character within first 200 characters
- blue - single character > 200 and < 1000 characters
- red - double/compound character
- orange - unmatched character
Hovering over matched characters will show a title including the pinyin,frequency#,further translations. A summary sorted table lists unmatched characters by frequency.
For most of the double/compound characters, I haven't added a 'short' translation for most of those yet. Plan to update these later as well as additional possible character entries including 1 to 3 or more compound characters.
I created this as I am going through mandarin flashcards and learning the characters and could not find any online resources that did a nice job of breaking down larger sentences and texts into their word components. The dictionary that makes up this page could be changed to other language translations also and loaded dynamically as a json file from various better-curated sources. Others are welcome to adapt this and let me know(issues/feedback) if you found this html/javascript helpful in your language study or suggested changes/options. Adding additional characters and compounds by frequency usage should give better translations.