Helps with casting by minimizing the amount of code you need just to check for a simple overflow.
The macro works by generating a bunch of helper functions that can be used to see if a value can SAFELY fit in a particular type.
See example.c for more details.
Inside of fits.h you will see a bunch of typedefs, these are used as ##_fits(...) where ## is the type you want to check.
See generic_tests.c for more details, or alternatively view the bottom of this
This is just a simple header file. Just include it into your project like any other :)
$ gcc generic_tests.c -o tests
$ ./tests
$ gcc example.c -o example
$ ./example
$ gcc stdint_test.c - stdint
$ ./stdint
unsigned long long == ull -> ull_fits(value)
unsigned long == ul -> ul_fits(value)
unsigned int == ui -> ui_fits(value)
unsigned short == us -> us_fits(value)
unsigned char == uc -> uc_fits(value)
signed long long == sll -> sll_fits(value)
signed long == sl -> sl_fits(value)
signed int == si -> si_fits(value)
signed short == ss -> ss_fits(value)
signed char == sc -> sc_fits(value)
alternative standard:
signed long == long -> long_fits(value)
signed int == int -> int_fits(value)
signed short == short -> short_fits(value)
signed char == char -> char_fits(value)
uintmax_t == umax -> umax_fits(value)
uint8_t == u8 -> u8_fits(value)
uint16_t == u16 -> u16_fits(value)
uint32_t == u32 -> u32_fits(value)
uint64_t == u64 -> u64_fits(value)
uint_least8_t == ul8 -> ul8_fits(value)
uint_least16_t == ul16 -> ul16_fits(value)
uint_least32_t == ul32 -> ul32_fits(value)
uint_least64_t == ul64 -> ul64_fits(value)
uint_fast8_t == uf8 -> uf8_fits(value)
uint_fast16_t == uf16 -> uf16_fits(value)
uint_fast32_t == uf32 -> uf32_fits(value)
uint_fast64_t == uf64 -> uf64_fits(value)
uintptr_t == uptr -> uptr_fits(value)
intmax_t == imax -> imax_fits(value)
int8_t == i8 -> i8_fits(value)
int16_t == i16 -> i16_fits(value)
int32_t == i32 -> i32_fits(value)
int64_t == i64 -> i64_fits(value)
int_least8_t == il8 -> il8_fits(value)
int_least16_t == il16 -> il16_fits(value)
int_least32_t == il32 -> il32_fits(value)
int_least64_t == il64 -> il64_fits(value)
int_fast8_t == if8 -> if8_fits(value)
int_fast16_t == if16 -> if16_fits(value)
int_fast32_t == if32 -> if32_fits(value)
int_fast64_t == if64 -> if64_fits(value)
intptr_t == iptr -> iptr_fits(value)