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Learn HTTP in Angular

1. Let's use string interpolation 🤓

  1. Create a joke variable in app.component.ts and assign this random joke: Ghosts are actually caused by Chuck Norris killing people faster than Death can process them.
  2. Now go to app.component.html and replace its content with: <h1>{{joke}}</h1>. Now go and check the browser! 🚀

2. Let's use string interpolation and import HTTP 🔌

  1. Now it's time to start using HTTP requests! Go to app.module.ts and import the HttpModule from import { HttpModule } from '@angular/http';.
  2. Actually, to start using it we need to put it in the imports array: imports: [BrowserModule, HttpModule],
  3. And the final step is to inject it in our component. Go to app.component.ts and create a constructor like this one: constructor(private http: Http) { }

3. Let's use string interpolation, import HTTP and fetch a information 🔥

  1. So we are almost there! Last thing we want to do is create a channel (AKA Observable): http.get('');
  2. Second we will subscribe to it, so we can get a new joke http.get('').subscribe();
  3. Finally, we want to log the information in the console with: http.get('').subscribe((response) => { console.log(response);});

4. Let's use string interpolation, import HTTP, fetch a information and show a Joke ⭐️

  1. This is it, we only need to format the information correctly, replace console.log(response) with this.joke = response.json().value.joke;