Recipe Search API project that uses Python and the Edamam API.
The API searches and finds recipes based on the user's chosen meal type, country cuisine and ingredient.
I presented this final group project for the Code First Girls 8-week Python Programming course.
- Sign up for an edamam account via
- Use Edamam API Key and API ID for recipe search
- Pycharm
- User can choose between breakfast, brunch, lunch/dinner and snack.
- User can choose which country cuisine and specific ingredient they want.
- User will see all recipes based on their search.
- Name of the recipe, Calories & Url link will be shown in results.
- User recipe search are saved and provided in Recipebook txt file.
- Ingredients for the recipe are shown in the Recipebook.
User searching for their meal type, country cuisine and ingredient:
Results saved in Recipebook.txt file with ingredient list:
- Python
- Pycharm