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Sajak - Simple Authenticated JSON API Kit

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Sajak is a small tool for building JSON APIs. It turns a list of models into a node.js app that handles routing, authentication, and authorization by convention so that you can focus on your app instead of tedious RESTronautics.


To spin up a theoretical todo list backend, with authenticated users and authorized todo list items:

var http = require("http")
  , sajak = require("sajak")
  , server = http.createServer()

function User(){ ... }
User.prototype = {
  authenticate: function(auth, cb){ ... },
  save: function(cb){ ... },
  fetch: function(cb){ ... }

function TodoItem(){ ... }
TodoItem.prototype = {
  authorize: function(user, action, cb){ ... },
  save: function(cb){ ... },
  fetch: function(cb){ ... },
  destroy: function(cb){ ... }

server.on("request", sajak([User, TodoItem]).router)

How it works

Sajak returns a simple http listener. Upon every request, it runs through the following lifecycle:

  1. parse the incoming query, body, and auth data into JavaScript objects.
  2. instantiate a new model based on the request pathname and query. so /users/sajak would call the User constructor with {id: "sajak"}.
  3. instantiate any model URLs in the request. so if you POST something like {"user.href": "/users/sajak", "text": "Hello."} to /notes, the user is reified into an actual User instance before being passed to the Note constructor.
  4. call the User's authenticate method to authenticate the user.
  5. call the resource's authorize method to authorize the user action.
  6. extend the resource with any incoming body data.
  7. call the appropriate Backbone.js-style fetch/save/destroy method on the resource, as per the request method.
  8. serialize and return the results to the client.

Since a Sajak app is just a listener, it can be used standalone, or as middleware in any Express/Connect app. With Express, any requests that don't match or return an error are passed to next, as with any other middleware.


api = sajak(models)

Instantiates a Sajak app, passing any optional model constructors to the serve method.


Serves the specified models. This method comes in a few flavors:

  • api.serve(name, Ctor) serves a model at the specified name.
  • api.serve(Ctor) serves a model at the default name, which is the lowercase, pluralized name of the constructor.
  • api.serve([Ctor, Ctor, ...]) serves multiple models using the default names
  • api.serve({name: Ctor, name: Ctor, ...}) serves multiple models using the specified names.

To serve the root endpoint, use an empty string for the model name.


The router that can be passed to createServer for the node.js http module, or to use for Express.


Copyright (c) 2012 Jed Schmidt. See LICENSE.txt for details.

Send any questions or comments here.


Simple Authenticated JSON API Kit







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