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Miscellaneous tools/helpers for django CMS.

Look also at the siblings project: django-tools (Tools/helpers around Django).

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existing stuff

Django-CMS plugins

page anchor menu

Add a anchor menu to a CMS page. More info in: django_cms_tools/plugin_anchor_menu/README.creole

landing page

A app to create landing pages. More info in: django_cms_tools/plugin_landing_page/README.creole

Test utilities

Add CMS Plugin unittest test case

django_cms_tools.unittest_utils.add_cms_plugin.TestAddPluginTestCase - TestCase to test "add CMS plugin via admin"

Generate Add CMS Plugin unittest skeleton


$ ./ generate_add_plugin_test_code plugin_anchor_menu.AnchorPlugin

from django_cms_tools.unittest_utils.add_cms_plugin import TestAddPluginTestCase

class AddPluginTestCase(TestAddPluginTestCase):
    Tests for plugin_anchor_menu.AnchorPluginModel

    Based on a skeleton generated via:
        ./ generate_add_plugin_test_code plugin_anchor_menu.AnchorPlugin

    def test_anchorplugin_de_1(self):
        # plugin name in de: 'Anchor'
            language_code = "de",

            title='dummy text no. 0', # CharField, String (up to 254)
            slug='dummy-text-no-0', # SlugField, Slug (up to 255)
        response = self.assert_plugin(
                "<XXX></XXX>", # TODO: Add plugin html output here!
                "dummy text no. 0",

    def test_anchorplugin_de_2(self):

Display usage of a CMS-Plugin

List all existing plugins by calling:

./ list_page_by_plugin

To display CMS-Plugin usage, add the plugin name as argument, e.g.:

./ list_page_by_plugin TextPlugin

CMS related test assertments

django_cms_tools.unittest_utils.assertments contains CMS related test assertments:

  • assert_public_cms_app_namespaces() - Check if given namespaces exists.
  • assert_public_cms_page_urls() - Check if given urls exist.

test fixture creation


Helper for creating Django CMS pages in test fixtures:

Class django_cms_tools.fixtures.pages.CmsPageCreator can be used for create normal/plugin CMS pages. Inherit from the class and overwrite attributes/methods for your need ;) Example, look into the Test code.

Source: django_cms_tools/fixtures/ Test/Example: /tests/


Create CMS home page in all existing languages (settings.LANGUAGES) and fill placeholder with TextPlugin, use:

  • django_cms_tools.fixtures.pages.create_cms_index_pages


Create CMS plugin page in all existing languages (settings.LANGUAGES) and add a link to the index page.

  • django_cms_tools.fixtures.pages.create_cms_plugin_page

django filer tools *experimental*

Activate by change your, e.g.:


'image info' management command

Display information about the number of existing, missing and ignored images. And a summary about all used images. usage:

$ ./ image_info

34 items - foo.Bar
34 instanced checked:
   0 exist    0 missing   34 ignored - foo.BarModel.meta_image
  34 exist    0 missing    0 ignored - foo.BarModel.filer_overview_image


	existing images..: 6171
	missing images...: 0
Collect all filer IDs...
File: 2 entries
Image: 2 entries
Information about File:
	Total entry count: 8042 entries.
	Used entry count: 2 entries.
	Total size: 13.8 GB
	Used size: 997.5 KB
Information about Image:
	Total entry count: 6993 entries.
	Used entry count: 2 entries.
	Total size: 13.7 GB
	Used size: 997.5 KB
(Note: 'File' contains 'Image' ;)

'replace broken' management command

Replace all not existing files files with a given filer ID.

e.g.: You would like to make a clone of a existing installation, but without to move the real files:

  1. make a DB dump on the source system
  2. insert the DB dump the the cloned system
  3. log into django admin of the new cloned version
  4. upload a "dummy.jpg" filer image
  5. write down the filer image ID (e.g.: 123)
  6. start: $ ./ replace_broken 123

filer 'export_filer_images' management command

The export_filer_images stores all used filer image files to disk. e.g.:

$ ./ export_filer_images my_backups

'template_info' management command

Activate e.g.:


It looks like:

$ ./ template_info

There are 3 public pages:
pk:1 /en/                                     /foo/homepage.html
pk:2 /en/foo/                                 INHERIT
pk:3 /en/foo/bar/                             INHERIT

'cms_plugin_info' management command

Activate e.g.:


It looks like:

$ ./ cms_plugin_info

There are 4 CMS plugins:
'Django CMS Tools Test'
    * RelatedPlugin (Related Plugin)
    * PlaceholderPlugin (Placeholder)
    * AliasPlugin (Alias)
    * TextPlugin (Text)

run test project

.../django-cms-tools$ ./


.../django-cms-tools$ cd django_cms_tools_test_project/
.../django-cms-tools/django_cms_tools_test_project$ ./ run_test_project_dev_server

running tests

Run all tests in all environment combinations via tox:

$ python3 tox

Run all tests in current environment via pytest:

$ python3 test

Django compatibility

django-cms-tools Django CMS django version python
>=v0.6 3.4.x v1.11 3.5, 3.6, pypy3
>=v0.5.1 3.4.x 1.8, v1.11 3.5, 3.6, pypy3
v0.4.0 1.8 2.7, 3.5, 3.6
v0.1.x 1.8 2.7, 3.4, 3.5

Currently Django CMS v3.5 is not supported, yet. It's on the TODO, see: issues #1 (See also combinations in .travis.yml and tox.ini)


  • Add tests for 'filer commands'
  • Support Django CMS v3.5 and run tests against these versions.
  • Support Django v2.0 and run tests against these versions.

Backwards-incompatible changes


  • django_cms_tools.fixtures renamed to: django_cms_tools.fixture_helper
  • remove django_cms_tools.fixtures.languages


  • *dev* - compare v0.7.0...master
  • v0.7.1 - 30.07.2019 - compare v0.7.0...v0.7.1
  • v0.7.0 - 18.09.2018 - compare v0.6.11...v0.7.0
    • django_cms_tools.fixtures renamed to: django_cms_tools.fixture_helper
    • remove django_cms_tools.fixtures.languages
    • NEW: django_cms_tools.unittest_utils.assertments
  • v0.6.11 - 21.06.2018 - compare v0.6.10...v0.6.11
    • Bugfix CmsPageCreator if create process will try to find the published page instance
  • v0.6.10 - 05.06.2018 - compare v0.6.9...v0.6.10
    • NEW: management command: 'export_filer_images' to store all filer images on disk
    • Bugfix django_cms_tools.filer_tools.helper.collect_all_filer_ids if default_model_class is a string
  • v0.6.9 - 04.05.2018 - compare v0.6.8...v0.6.9
    • Enhance 'Generate 'add cms plugin' skeleton code'
  • v0.6.8 - 25.04.2018 - compare v0.6.7...v0.6.8
    • NEW: Display usage of a CMS-Plugin by: ./ list_page_by_plugin
    • Change in create_plugin() the **plugin_kwargs argument to post_data
  • v0.6.7 - 24.04.2018 - compare v0.6.6...v0.6.7
    • NEW: Generate 'add cms plugin' skeleton code with ./ generate_add_plugin_test_code
  • v0.6.6 - 09.04.2018 - compare v0.6.5...v0.6.6
    • NEW: ./ orphaned_plugin_info to get a list about Django CMS uninstalled/unsaved plugins
  • v0.6.5 - 22.03.2018 - compare v0.6.4...v0.6.5
    • Use ParlerDummyGenerator (for landing page test fixtures) from django-tools
    • django_cms_tools.fixtures.languages.iter_languages was moved to django-tools!
    • Bugfix: DummyPageGenerator creates non-published pages
  • v0.6.4 - 06.03.2018 - compare v0.6.3...v0.6.4
    • Update django_cms_tools.fixtures.pages.DummyPageGenerator to changes API
  • v0.6.3 - 23.02.2018 - compare v0.6.2...v0.6.3
    • Rename landing page and anchor menu plugins via django.apps.AppConfig
    • Update publisher itegration tests
  • v0.6.2 - 22.02.2018 - compare v0.6.1...v0.6.2
    • Bugfix packaging: Include template files
  • v0.6.1 - 22.02.2018 - compare v0.6.0...v0.6.1
    • Update "landing page" plugin to new publisher API
  • v0.6.0 - 20.02.2018 - compare v0.5.2...v0.6.0
    • remove test runs with Django v1.8
    • NEW: Django-CMS plugin for create "landing pages"
    • NEW: Django-CMS plugin for build a page anchor menu
    • NEW: ./ cms_plugin_info to generate a list of all registered Django CMS plugins
  • v0.5.2 - 10.01.2018 - compare v0.5.1...v0.5.2
    • enhance and bugfix 'replace_broken' command
  • v0.5.1 - 21.12.2017 - compare v0.5.0...v0.5.1
    • refactor travis/tox/pytest/coverage stuff
    • Tests can be run via python3 tox and/or python3 test
    • Test also with pypy3 on Travis CI.
  • v0.5.0 - 19.12.2017 - compare v0.4.0...v0.5.0
    • Skip official support for python v2 (remove from text matrix)
    • NEW: ./ template_info
    • NEW: ./ cms_page_info
    • CmsPageCreator API changed:
      • the string CmsPageCreator.placeholder_slot changed to iterable CmsPageCreator.placeholder_slots
      • add placeholder argument in CmsPageCreator.get_dummy_text() and CmsPageCreator.get_add_plugin_kwargs()
      • Bugfix: use always drafts as parent pages (see also: django-cms/django-cms#6126 )
      • add unittests
  • v0.4.0 - 18.09.2017 - compare v0.3.2...v0.4.0
  • v0.3.2 - 22.05.2017 - compare v0.3.1...v0.3.2
    • Bugfix in {% el_pagination_placeholder %} and render all plugins after the tag.
  • v0.3.1 - 04.05.2017 - compare v0.3.0...v0.3.1
    • Bugfix in CmsPageCreator: evaluate lazy "language name" translation in the right language (e.g.: e.g.: settings.LANGUAGE_CODE is not "en")
  • v0.3.0 - 27.04.2017 - compare v0.2.0...v0.3.0
    • NEW: django_cms_tools.fixtures.pages.CmsPageCreator for creating Django CMS pages in test fixtures
  • v0.2.0 - 10.04.2017 - compare v0.1.2...v0.2.0
    • Experimental: Filer management commands: 'image_info' and 'replace_broken'
  • v0.1.2 - 28.03.2017 - compare v0.1.1...v0.1.2
    • Change: create pages with translated language name
  • v0.1.1 - 27.03.2017 - compare v0.1.0...v0.1.1
    • Fix pypi package stuff
  • v0.1.0 - 27.03.2017
    • NEW: create_cms_index_pages
    • NEW: create_cms_plugin_page


