Classroom Console is an administrative tool to help educational institutions better manage their digital learning environments. It organizes and syncs data between Canvas Learning Management System (LMS) by Instructure, and the OnCampus LMS by Blackbaud, bundled with a broader suite of school management solutions.
Make sure you have Rails 6 installed. Then clone the repository and run bundler.
git clone
cd classroom_console
rails s
# Visit localhost:3000 in your web browser
Recommended Configuration (as of Nov 30, 2020)
- Rails 6.0.3
- Ruby 2.7.2
- Ubuntu 20.04
- Digital Ocean Droplet
With a fresh Ubuntu 20.04 instance:
It is good practice to avoid using root
as the primary user and instead create a dedicated user without unnecessary privileges.
Login as root
Create user 'deploy', assign a strong password, and grant sudo permission.
adduser deploy
# set a password
adduser deploy sudo
Log in as user 'deploy', and add your development machine's public key for more secure, password-less shell access.
su - deploy
mkdir .ssh
nano .ssh/authorized_keys
On your local machine, run cat ~/.ssh/
and paste the result back on the remote server into '.ssh/authorized_keys' and save the file.
From here I recommend following this GoRails guide starting with the section "Installing Ruby". Continue through the guide until you get to the section on deploying with Capistrano.
- Install Ruby through rbenv version manager
- Install Nginx and Passenger as our webserver
- Make sure to replace any instances of "myapp" with "classroom_console".
- Set up a database
- If you have your own database server, you may skip this step
- Otherwise, PostgreSQL is recommended but MySQL is fine too.
If you intend to use an Azure SQLServer run the following:
sudo apt-get install freetds-dev
You will be executing the command to deploy the app from your local machine. For this, you need a local copy of the repository.
git clone
cd classroom_console
If you are using Azure SQL Server, check out the branch 'sqlserver'.
git checkout sqlserver
Be sure to add PRODUCTION_IP to .env
You can skip most of the GoRails section on setting up Capistrano as it is already done for you. Take a look in config/deploy/production.rb
server ENV['PRODUCTION_IP'], user: 'deploy', roles: %w{app db web}
Instead of including
mkdir /home/deploy/myapp nano /home/deploy/myapp/.rbenv-vars
# Database credentials
# Config for local PostgreSQL database
# ~/classroom_console/.rbenv-vars
# Mailserver Settings
Finally, run the deploy command. You will be prompted to deploy the current branch.
cap production deploy