Lessons from the MonthApp module (code that goes with the lectures).
The original completed series can be found in the v1.0.0 branch
This begins the module. Puts in place necessary house rules. Include setup files and tools and their varying alternatives.
This is an introduction to the whole concept of the MonthApp module.
Week one covers, basic HTML and CSS. This includes a brief overview on tags, elements -structural and semantic. Inline/Internal/External methods of including CSS and JS are discussed. Media Queries are highligted briefly. The final tut in this module includes a standard HTML5 page.
This week is just about User Experience (UX), mockups and some helpful tips to come up with appealing designs for your app. In this module we would note the various frameworks out there, discuss them briefly and leave the choice to you.
In this week, we will concentrate on bringing to life our app ideas with the knowledge gained in the first two modules. Using any of the frameworks from the previous week, we will develop working versions albeit not fully functions apps.
In this module, the last in our month long program, we will be finalizing our applications, redying them for the playstore and with just a little more effort get our apps to the other major OS ecosystems; iOS,WP8,BB,FirefoxOS. Phongap Build (Free tier) and or cordova CLI will be used.