EnumCSV exposes a single method, csv, for easily creating CSV output/files from enumerable objects. It is a simple wrapper class for ruby’s csv library.
gem install enum_csv
Source code is available on GitHub at github.com/jeremyevans/enum_csv
The default behavior just expects an enumerable of arrays (such as an array of arrays), and returns a string containing the CSV output:
EnumCSV.csv([[1, 2]]) => "1,2\n"
You can use the :headers option to set custom headers:
EnumCSV.csv([[1, 2], [3,"4,5"]], :headers=>['A', 'B']) => "A,B\n1,2\n3,\"4,5\"\n" EnumCSV.csv([[1, 2], [3,"4,5"]], :headers=>'A,B') => "A,B\n1,2\n3,\"4,5\"\n"
The :file option can be used to output to a file:
EnumCSV.csv([[1, 2]], :file=>'foo.csv') => nil # output written to foo.csv
If a block is passed to the method, all items in the enumerable are yielded to the block, and the block should return an array with the data to use in the CSV output:
EnumCSV.csv([{:a=>1, :b=>2}, {:a=>3, :b=>4}]){|l| [l[:b], l[:a] + 10]} => "2,11\n4,13\n"
Jeremy Evans <code@jeremyevans.net>