Django app for Analysocial
Fork the project on github and git clone your fork, e.g.:
git clone<username>/analysocial.git
Create a virtualenv using Python 3 and install dependencies. I recommend getting python3 via homebrew, then installing virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper to that python. NOTE! You must change 'path/to/python3' to be the actual path to python3 on your system.
mkvirtualenv analysocial --python=/path/to/python3
pip install -r requirements.txt
You may want to set up an alias for making python3 virtualenvs, e.g. in .bashrc:
alias mkvirtualenv3='mkvirtualenv --python=/usr/local/bin/python3'
Ensure node is installed. This can be done via homebrew:
brew install node
Install javascript dependencies:
npm install
Set environment variables as needed. I recommend putting the exports at the end of your ~/.virtualenvs/analysocial/bin/activate so they are always available when in your virtualenv. You need to substitute appropriate values for all <CONFIGURABLE_ITEMS>.
export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=analysocial.settings
export DATABASE_URL=postgres://<YOUR_USER_NAME>:<YOUR_PASSWORD>@localhost:5432/analysocial
export ADMINS='{"admins": [{"name": "<YOUR_NAME>", "email": "<YOUR_EMAIL>"}]}'
Set up db:
createdb analysocial
python migrate
python createsuperuser # Creates a superuser for the Admin, necessary to configure Facebook
Set up Facebook integration:
Create a Facebook test application, with Facebook login (set Valid OAuth redirect URIs to localhost)
python runserver
Log into the Django admin
Edit the Site to have the correct localhost url
Create a Social application with info from Facebook (Client id == App ID, Secret key = App Secret, select site)
Run unit tests and view coverage:
coverage run test
coverage report -m
Speed up unit tests by setting environment variable:
export REUSE_DB=1
Check code style:
flake8 .
To generate a graph of the data models, you can use the following management command:
python graph_models --pygraphviz -a -g -o all_models.png
Lint JavaScript:
jshint */static/*/js
Run the development server:
python runserver
This project is already set up for deployment to Heroku, on the app analysocial.
The Heroku apps have the following addons:
heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql
heroku addons:create sendgrid
heroku addons:create newrelic
heroku addons:create papertrail
heroku addons:create scheduler
Set the Heroku config vars:
Add Heroku buildpacks:
heroku buildpacks:set heroku/nodejs -i 1
heroku buildpacks:set heroku/python -i 2
To deploy directly to Heroku (right now, this is the only way to update static, etc.):
sh scripts/
To push a specific branch to Heroku:
git push -f heroku <local-branch>:refs/heads/master
- Add view of top 10 posts
- Analyze words in posts
- Sorting on posts view page
- CSV download from site
- Sync historical posts for new users (use RQ?)
- Email admin when new user signs up