This app enables you to find the resonant frequencies of nearby objects using a bank of easily tunable audio oscillators. Once tuned, you can use the oscillators to play the room like a drumset (requires a subwoofer). It's fun, loud and guaranteed to piss off your neighbors! So do it while they're not home ;)
The project uses the Tone.js library for audio generation, and WebPack to help neaten the dev / build environments. Thanks to fat0wl for his help with the transition to WebPack!
git clone
Install dependencies:
npm install
Run dev server:
npm run start
That'll get you running - point your browser at localhost:3000 and the app should be there. Edit the files in /src and /assets and watch your app hot reload as you save :D WebPack is cool.
To build production artifact (this creates the /docs folder, like the one I'm using to serve the page from GitHub Pages):
npm run build