SRM (student record management) stores and processes academic data.
This project was initially developed with NodeJS and MySQL and then moved across here as a Spring 5 based project. The port is intended to showcase my learning of the Spring framework.
After building and running the app, enter localhost:8080
from any browser to execute SRM (without data persistence). Guidelines are provided below explaining how to run SRM with MySQL.
Frameworks and tools:
- Java 11
- Spring MVC 4
- Project Lombok
- MySQL 8
- Spring MVC 4
- Thymeleaf 3
- JUnit 5
- Mockito 3
- Maven 3
The development outline is here.
Docker is not a requirement to run SRM with MySQL but is presented here for those who want to run MySQL from a container instead of from a local installation.
Installing Docker on Linux Mint 20 (Ulyana) is done by running the following commands either individually or as a shell script.
sudo apt-get update
# install dependencies
sudo apt-get -y install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common
# add the gpg key for docker (should get "OK" back)
curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
# add the repository to Linux mint 20
sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] $(. /etc/os-release; echo "$UBUNTU_CODENAME") stable"
sudo apt-get update
# install docker e docker-compose
sudo apt install docker-ce docker-compose
# add the user system to sudo group, no sudo command
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
# verify Docker version
docker --version
To persist data to a local directory, new directories for the MySQL container will need to be created. In my example
, I used /home/james/Dev/mySQLContainer
. Docker containers to Docker images are very much like Java classes are to
objects. Docker containers are run with the run
command and then listed in docker ps
. If the image is not stored
on the local disk then it will be automatically downloaded from the Docker Hub.
If you already have MySQL community installed, then you will need to use a localhost port other than 3306. In this example, I used localhost 3307 to map to the MySQL container's 3306.
Both shared volume -v and port -p parameters follow the sequence: localVolume:containerVolume or localPort:containerPort.
docker run --name mySQLContainer -v /home/james/Dev/mySQLContainer:/var/lib/mysql -e MYSQL_ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD=yes -p 3307:3306 -d mysql
This also sets the environment variable (-e) with null password. The parameter -d sets mysql to run as a daemon.
MySQL 8 requires password protecting. Run docker exec -it <container_id> bash
(the container id is found by running docker ps
) and after execute this mysql -u root
. At the MySQL console, run:
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'root'@'%';use mysql;UPDATE mysql.user SET host='%' WHERE user='root';
Type Ctrl+D and restart mysql with the following command: mysqld restart
(credits to One can then access MySQL through MySQL Workbench, port 3307 to access the container’s (in future, clients) MySQL daemon, independent of any local copy of MySQL.
List all images with docker ps -a
and then start the container with docker start containerID
Run the bash shell from the container with docker exec -it <container_id> bash
and then enter mysql -u root
Setup two databases SRM_dev
and SRM_prod
, one for development and one for production, each with their own user
account (Database Manipulation Language access only). The SQL script is here.
For demo purposes, the users SRM_dev_user
and SRM_prod_user
both have the password: admin
Once established, either set up shortcuts to MySQL workbench (remember the port is 3307 not 3306) or instead logon via the console with
mysql -u SRM_dev_user -p
and enter admin
when asked. Same applies for the production version, SRM_prod
A copy of the MySQL schema is found here. If a new schema is needed then uncomment lines 15-22 in application-dev.yml and ensure that the 'dev' profile is selected (through the IDE or application.yml) and run SRM.
The printed script's lines may need terminating with a semi-colon, and then add a first line use SRM_dev;
or use SRM_prod;
. Place a copy of the script in MySQL workbench (under either or both dev and/or prod DBs, as desired) and execute. It is assumed the current dev or prod DB will be empty.
Ensure that 'dev' and 'springDataJPA' are selected from the application.yml file and then run as usual.
To initialise via h2 database, set the profile to 'map' instead of 'springDataJPA', and remove profiles 'dev'/'prod'