Hi, my name is Jessica Grosskopf. I'm a Tech Lead at Suhai Seguradora, working with Apex - LWC ! Becoming a Data Architect. I love learning new trends T.I (Data Cloud, A.I, AMPScript, LWC, Webservices, Front-end), and writing about it in Dev.to Passion - Code, API, Web Services, Data! Also, I enjoy hiking and traveling and discovering new places, feeling more of nature and I had a passion with clouds/Sky .
🔭 I’m currently working on Suhai Seguradora;
🌱 I’m currently learning Salesforce;
I’m looking to collaborate on Partner Community in SalesForce and becoming a Developer Girls.
🤔 I’m keep studying SalesForce
💬 Ask me about anything you want
📫 How to reach me: jgrossp@gmail.com
💻 my personal website - Click!
Ranger2x - Analyst Functinal | Data Architect | 5 Certification SF
👩💻 Languages
🍺☕ Drink: Beers and coffee
🏕🏖🌌🪐🚎: Trekking and travel - I love it - and another stuff about life, energy and souls. Asé - Ore ye yeo.