This repository contains the simulation code for the paper "TransCODE: Co-design of Transformers and Accelerators for Efficient Training and Inference" published at the IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems.
git clone
cd ./transcode/
git submodule init
git submodule update
To setup python environment, please look at the instruction in the txf_design-space and the acceltran repositories.
To run evaluation of DynaProp when training transformer models, run the following command:
cd ./dynaprop/
python --max_evaluation_threshold <tau_I> --max_train_threshold <tau_T>
cd ..
Here, <tau_I
and <tau_T>
are the evaluation and training pruning thresholds. For more information on the possible inputs to the simulation script, use:
cd ./dynaprop/
python3 --help
cd ..
To run hardware-software co-design over the AccelTran and FlexiBERT 2.0 design spaces, use the following command:
cd ./co-design/
cd ..
For more information on the possible inputs to the co-design script, use:
cd ./co-design/
python3 --help
cd ..
Shikhar Tuli. For any questions, comments or suggestions, please reach me at
Cite our previous works that define the hardware (AccelTran) and software (FlexiBERT) design spaces, using the following bitex entry:
author={Tuli, Shikhar and Jha, Niraj K.},
journal={IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems},
title={AccelTran: A Sparsity-Aware Accelerator for Dynamic Inference with Transformers},
author = {Tuli, Shikhar and Dedhia, Bhishma and Tuli, Shreshth and Jha, Niraj K.},
title = {{FlexiBERT}: Are Current Transformer Architectures Too Homogeneous and Rigid?},
year = {2023},
volume = {77},
doi = {10.1613/jair.1.13942},
journal = {Journal of Artificial Intelligence Reseasrch},
numpages = {32}
If you use the provided co-design scripts, please cite our paper:
title={{TransCODE}: Co-design of Transformers and Accelerators for Efficient Training and Inference},
author={Tuli, Shikhar and Jha, Niraj K},
journal={IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems},
BSD-3-Clause. Copyright (c) 2022, Shikhar Tuli and Jha Lab. All rights reserved.
See License file for more details.