This is a repository for the matrix factorization project published in ICCV 2015.
- Je Hyeong Hong (
- Andrew Fitzgibbon (
Clone the repository using the following code
git clone --recursive
Below is a list of algorithms included.
- [JE] Our implementation of DRW (Damped Ruhe and Wedin) algorithms
- [JE] Our Ceres implementation of joint optimisation algorithms
- [CH] Chen's LM_S, LM_M series (our modification)
- [CO] Chen's LM_S, LM_M series (original:
- [DB] Del Bue's BALM (our implementation but not necessarily fast)
- [NB] Boumal's RTRMC (original:
- [PG] Gotardo's CSF (original:
- [RC] Cabral's ALM series (our implementation but not necessarily fast)
- [TO] Okatani's Damped Wiberg (DW) (original:
You may run the script [ run_demo.m ] inside the [ Code ] folder.
Before starting, there are some issues you need to watch out for:
- Prior to running any experiment, you must have run [ Code/setup.m ], which adds relevant paths and compile required mex files.
- All commands must run in the [ Code ] directory.
- To run our Ceres-based algorithms (assuming Ceres-solver from is already installed), you need to compile the source (which is pulled as a submodule) present in [ Code/Algorithms/JE/lrmf_ceres ]. 1. The CMake file is given. 2. It may be convenient to compile in the [ Code/Algorithms/JE/lrmf_ceres/build ] directory since this is git-ignored. 3. Place the compiled executable inside the [ Code/Algorithms/JE ] folder with the name [ lrmf_ceres_exec ] or [ lrmf_ceres_exec.exe ]. 4. Reading sparse matrices is currently not supported by [ LRMF-Ceres ].
Our 1-min video spotlight can be found at
- The work was supported by Microsoft and Toshiba Research Europe.
- We thank Roberto Cipolla, Christopher Zach, Bamdev Mishra and the anonymous reviewers for their comments.
- The conference travel was funded by the British Machine Vision Association (BMVA), Cambridge University Engineering Department (Rex Moir Fund), Christ's College (University of Cambridge) and Cambridge Philosophical Society.