Assumption: The Producer and Consumer will be deployed in a Linux box.
Producer: Simulates raw data provided from an eye tracker, and sends messages to the consumer (at 60 to ~1000 messages per second, configurable value), through the TransportManager
TransportManager: This is an API that wraps the transport configuration, and the RabbitMQ logic to send and receive messages. TransportManager exposes methods to send messages, to initialize configurations, and allows the implementation of the logic to process the messages after they are dequeued. If a different messaging broker/library such as Kafka or any other needs to be implemented, the Producer and the Consumer will not be required any code changes, only configuration changes will be needed.
Consumer: Receives and process messages by writing them to a text file (eyeTrackerData.txt)
ValueObjects: Contains the Message object
The transport broker used in the project is RabbitMQ
General instructions:
- Install RabbitMQ
- Start the RabbitMQ server
- Deploy the Producer and Consumer in a Linux box
- Run the Producer
- Run the Consumer
How to install RabbitMQ in a Linux box:
Linux Steps:
install homebrew. If it is already installed, run: brew update if not run: /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
Once homebrew is installed, install rabbitMQ. Run: brew install rabbitmq
To start rabbitmq run: brew services start rabbitmq
in the browser go to: http://localhost:15672/ RabbitMQ server should be running
User: guest, Password: guest
How to run the Producer and Consumer:
After deploying Producer and Consumer in the Linux box:
To start the Producer go to /Producer/bin and run ./Producer.sh start To stop the Producer go to /Producer/bin and run ./Producer.sh stop The log file will be generated under /Producer/logs/producer.log Property files will be under /Producer/etc
To start the Consumer go to /Consumer/bin and run ./Consumer.sh start To stop the Consumer go to /Consumer/bin and run ./Consumer.sh stop The log file will be generated under /Consumer/logs/consumer.log The output file will be generated under /Consumer/eyeTrackerData.txt Property files will be under /Consumer/etc
After starting the Producer, it will be generating ~1000 per second. The number of messages per second can be modified in the /Producer/etc/Producer.properties when changing the value of the property period=1, after changing that value, bounce the application.
After starting the Consumer, it will be writing the messages dequeued into the /Consumer/eyeTrackerData.txt
The queue information such as depth and queue performance can be monitored in the RabbitMQ console http://localhost:15672/ the queue name is EYETRACKER.MESSAGES
To install homebrew: https://github.com/homebrew/install
Rabbitmq install https://www.rabbitmq.com/install-homebrew.html