My Dash Core Components
pip install mydcc
- dash -- The core dash backend
- dash-renderer -- The dash front-end
- dash-html-components -- HTML components
- dash-core-components -- Supercharged components
- plotly -- Plotly graphing library used in examples
import dash
import dash_core_components as dcc
import dash_html_components as html
from dash.dependencies import Input, Output, Event, State
import mydcc
app = dash.Dash()
app.layout = html.Div(...)
def myfun(...):
return ...
if __name__ == '__main__':
Get mouse position of plotly graph
Usage :
app.layout = html.Div([
mydcc.Listener( id = "uuu", aim = 'graph' ),
dcc.Graph( id = 'graph',
figure = { 'data': [ {'x': [1, 2, 3], 'y': [4, 1, 2]} ] }
html.Div( id = 'text' )
Output('text', 'children'),
[Input('uuu', 'data')])
def myfun(ddd):
if ddd is None : return('')
return str(ddd['x']) + ' and ' + str(ddd['y'])
Get mouse position for plotly mapbox graph
Usage :
app.layout = html.Div([
mydcc.Listener_mapbox( id = "uuu", aim = 'graph' ),
dcc.Graph( id = 'ggg', figure = figgure_with_mapbox ),
html.Div( id = 'text' )
Output('text', 'children'),
[Input('uuu', 'data')])
def myfun(ddd):
if ddd is None : return('')
return str(ddd['x']) + ' and ' + str(ddd['y'])
Relayout plotly graph
Usage :
app.layout = html.Div([
mydcc.Relayout( id = "rrr", aim = 'graph' ),
dcc.Graph( id = 'graph',
figure = { 'data': [ {'x': [1, 2, 3], 'y': [4, 1, 2]} ] }
dcc.Input(id = 'in',
placeholder = 'Enter a title ...',
type = 'text',
value = ''
Output('rrr', 'layout'),
[Input('in', 'value')])
def myfun(x):
return {'title':x}
Change plotly graph trace (only for graph with one trace )
Usage :
app.layout = html.Div([
id = 'graph',
figure = {
'data': [
{ 'x': [1, 2, 3], 'y': [4, 1, 2] },
'layout': {
'title': 'Dash Data Visualization',
'xaxis': { 'range': [0,50] },
'yaxis': { 'range': [0,50] }
mydcc.Listener(id = "uuu", aim = 'graph'),
mydcc.Change_trace(id = 'ii', aim = 'graph')
Output('ii', 'data'),
[Input('uuu', 'data')])
def myfun(ddd):
data = {'disable':'y'}
if type(ddd['x']) != str and ddd['x'] < 30:
data = dict(x = [ddd['x']],
y = [ddd['y']],
opacity = 1
return data
Change plotly mapbox graph trace (only for graph with one trace )
Usage :
app.layout = html.Div([
dcc.Graph( id = 'graph', figure = figgure_with_mapbox ),
mydcc.Listener_mapbox(id = "uuu", aim = 'graph'),
mydcc.Change_trace_mapbox(id = 'ii', aim = 'graph')
Output('ii', 'data'),
[Input('uuu', 'data')])
def myfun(ddd):
data = {'lon':[1], 'lat':[1], 'type': 'scattermapbox'}
if type(ddd['x']) != str :
data = dict(lon = [ ddd['x'] ],
lat = [ ddd['y'] ],
type = 'scattermapbox',
opacity = 1
return data
Go to this link to learn about Dash.