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camel-zeromq with jeromq support

Available as of Camel 2.11

The zeromq: component allows you to consumer or produce messages using [ZeroMQ|]. Assertion failure is one of the main issue in native libzmq implementation. Therefore here we are using jeromq instead of libzmq. Jeromq is the pure Java implementation of libzmq.[].

Here I am using latest jeromq version(not stable). You can also switch to pervious version by adding appropriate version in pom.xml

Maven users will need to add the following dependency to their {{pom.xml}} for this component:

{code:xml} org.apache.camel camel-zeromq x.x.x {code}

h3. URI format

{code} zeromq:(tcp|ipc)://hostname:port[?options...] {code}

Where hostname is the hostname or ip where the server will run.

h3. Options {div:class=confluenceTableSmall} || Property || Default || Description || | {{socketType}} | {{none}} | Choose from PULL, SUBSCRIBE for consumers, or PUSH, PUBLISH for producers | | {{asyncConsumer}} | {{true}} | Sets the consumer to be async. | | {{topics}} | {{null}} | Applicable for subscribers and publishers only. Determines which topics to subscribe or publish to. If not specified then the subscriber will subscribe to all messages. If not specified by a publisher then no topic will be prefixed to the message. Specify multiple topics by a comma separated list | | {{messageIdEnabled}} | {{false}} | If enabled then camel-zeromq will add a unique UUID to each message as it is received | | {{messageConvertor}} | {{DefaultMessageConvertor}} | The message convertor that is used to turn an exchange into a byte array for dispatch through zeromq. See later section. | | {{highWaterMark}} | {{-1}} | By default, zeromq will keep messages in an in-memory buffer while waiting for clients to receive. The high water mark is the max number of messages to hold before throwing an exception. -1 sets to the zeromq default, 0 disables, and any positive value sets to that value. | | {{linger}} | {{-1}} | By default, zeromq will wait for sending messages to be received before shutting down. Linger is the number of seconds to wait before force closing the socket. -1 sets to the zeromq default, 0 disables, and any positive value sets to that value. | {div}

h3. Headers

The follwing headers are set on exchanges during message transport.

|| Header Name || Endpoint Type || Description || | ZeroMQMessageId | Consumer | A type 4 UUID that is added to received messages | | ZeroMQTimestamp | Both | The timestamp when the message was received | | ZeroMQSource | Both | The socket address where the message was received from or pushed to | | ZeroMQSocketType | Both | The type of zeromq that the message was received from or pushed to |

h3. Message Conversion

ZeroMQ sends its messages as a byte stream and so incoming messages have the body set as a byte[] array. When sending to a producer, the messageConvertor is invoked, and passed the Exchange. The DefaultMessageConvertor will return the body as is, if it is a byte array, otherwise it will call toString().getBytes(). You can provide custom conversion strategies by specifying a class to the messageConvertor option on the endpoint.

h3. Samples

To receive all messages from a publisher, and then print those to a logger:

{code} from("zeromq:tcp://").process(someLoggingProcessor); {code}

To broadcast a message every second on three topics:

{code} from("timer://foo?fixedRate=true&period=10").process(new Processor() {

    List<String> asList = Arrays.asList("coldplay", "keane", "jethro tull", "jack bruce", "elton john", "kate bush");

		public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {



Camel Zeromq with jeromq support







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