-----------------💼 Skills------------------
----------------- 🔭 Tools and Technologies -----------------
- 🔭 I’m currently working on Android, iOS app development and Machine Learning.
- 🌱 Learning Swift, GUI development
- ⚡ Working towards the goal of becoming a software developer while pursuing my Ph.D in Precision Agriculture
- 🧬 Worked with Perl, and R for scripting during my earlier years in Bioinformatics.
- 👨💻 Learned C (first programming language to learn) and C++ for fun, or to meet specific requirements during projects.
- 🌐 Learned HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JS, Flask, PHP for building functional web application, primarily for bioinformatics.
- 🚀 Have been working with Python, Numpy, Pandas, Tensorflow, Keras, and Pytorch for the past few years for ML and DL application development
- 🐍 Working with Python 3 to solve almost everything! (Networking, web application, Machine Learning, Data processing)
- 🌘 Used Matlap primarily for college course work and data processing and have some basic experience with database Management systems
- 📡 Learning Kotlin, Swift, Android for mobile app dev.
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