Mangecko is a manga cataloging program to visually keep track of your digital manga collection (still a WIP).
Most features are working as intended but there's still a lot of work to do.
- Run "" to launch the application.
- Click on "Add Library" and follow the steps.
- To update a library, use the buttons on the top left. Scan Library -> Update Library -> New Volumes.
Like most media trackers/scanners/organization tools there is list of criteria that is necessary to follow in order to properly find files and folders.
- Each series must be in its own folder.
- Series name should be as accurate as possible without any extra things at the end.
- Volumes should be named as cleanly as possible (Series title, volume number).
- Bonus volumes, extras, etc., should be in their own folder. Still working on handling this.
As of now I don't do any sort of volume filename parsing to accurately count the total number of volumes. Right now it just looks for the filename extension and counts those up.
- Extensions: .cbr, .cbz, .zip, and PDF
This project uses the following:
- Python
- PyQT / PySide6
- SQLite
Mangaupdates has since created an API you can use so when I have the time to dive back into this project I'll have to do a rewrite to use it.