This project is about connecting an Arduino and receiving data from the mouse position to move two servo motors(arms) to "draw" what the mouse is drawing when it is pressed.
In order for this to work, you will need to copy the ARDUINO CODE below and paste it into a blank Arduino project. Then you will upload the code onto the Arduino by connecting the Arduino with your computer by USB cable. When uploading to the Arduino, make sure the settings are in place for your specific board and that you are uploading through the proper port which is the USBmodem port on your computer.
Because you need a littel more power for the motors, we are going to use the 16-channel shield from Adafruit. Check out this page adafruit page to see how to get setup with the shield and how the motors should be connected. It allows us to provide extra power by plugging in a 5V power adapter that drives the motors. The base motor should be connected to the '0' on the shield and the elbow motor should be connected to the '1' on the shield. Like this for the base and then on the row next to it for the elbow.
Check out this intstructional page with a diagram that has a led hooked up with what is called a 5V relay. The reason you need this is because the led basically holds onto a bunch of electricity and when you stop/turn it off, there is some residual charge that gets pushed back toward the Arduino. The 5V relay will do two things. First, it will provide the extra power you need to properly power the led. And secondly, it will protect the Arduino from the kickback charge from the led.
So, in this scenario you have the two motors hooked up to the shield on the '0' and '1' like this adafruit page shows. This image in particular. And a led hooked up to PIN 13 like and wired with the 5V relay like above.
Once you have successfully loaded the code onto the Arduino, you will move to the Processing part. Copy and paste the PROCESSING CODE below into a blank Processing sketch, save it, and then run it by pressing the 'play' button at the top of the editor. Once the sketch is running and the Arduino is connected properly(check the Serial port declaration part in the Processing code), you should see a small window open up where you can "draw" with the mouse when you press the mouse button on your trackpad. Two things should happen if everything is hooked up properly.
- The LED should turn on when the mouse is pressed
- The arms(servo motors) should move around to the approximate position relative to the size of the drawing window
If either of these does not happen, check the adafruit page on how to hook it up and make sure the wires are snug enough to create the connections.
If you are getting any errors when you run the code for Arduino or Processing, let me know and we can troubleshoot.
Good luck and have fun!
// two slashes like this is what is called a comment
// anything written next to it is NOT read by the computer
#include <Wire.h>
#include <Adafruit_PWMServoDriver.h>
// called this way, it uses the default address 0x40
Adafruit_PWMServoDriver pwm = Adafruit_PWMServoDriver();
// Depending on your servo make, the pulse width min and max may vary, you
// want these to be as small/large as possible without hitting the hard stop
// for max range. You'll have to tweak them as necessary to match the servos you
// have!
#define SERVOMIN 500 // This is the 'minimum' pulse length count (out of 4096)
#define SERVOMAX 2500 // This is the 'maximum' pulse length count (out of 4096)
#define USMIN 900 // This is the rounded 'minimum' microsecond length based on the minimum pulse of 150
#define USMAX 2100 // This is the rounded 'maximum' microsecond length based on the maximum pulse of 600
#define SERVO_FREQ 50 // Analog servos run at ~50 Hz updates
// our servo # counter
uint8_t servonum = 0;
float base_angle, elbow_angle;
String command;
boolean led = false;
float pulselength_base, pulselength_elbow;
float potentiometer_reading = 0;
int increment = 1;
void setup() {
pwm.setPWMFreq(SERVO_FREQ); // Analog servos run at ~50 Hz updates
// setting the onbaord LED to light up when the mouse is pressed
// change this number to whatever poin you hook an LED if you still
// want to see when the mouse is pressed after you put the shield on
pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(13, LOW);
// set the pinMode for the potentiometer
pinMode(A0, INPUT);
// set the pinMode for the analog led
pinMode(A1, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
if (Serial.available()) {
char c =;
if (c == '\n') {
command = "";
} else {
command += c;
pulselength_base = map(base_angle, 0, 200, SERVOMIN, SERVOMAX);
pulselength_elbow = map(elbow_angle, 0, 200, SERVOMIN, SERVOMAX);
// once we have parsed the incoming data from Processing
// we start by checking to see if the led is on(true) or off(false)
// this says, "if led is true, then..."
//turn on the LED
digitalWrite(13, HIGH);
// these two lines give the arms the angles from Processing
} else {
// if led is false, turn off the LED
digitalWrite(13, LOW);
// this is where we are reading from the potentiometer to get something to send to the led
potentiometer_reading = analogRead(A0);
// send out the analog reading from the potentiometer to the led
analogWrite(A1, potentiometer_reading);
// this is a function that takes the data from Processing
// and parses it into three parts
// base_angle, elbow_angle, and led
// you don't have to do anything with this at all
void parseCommand(String com) {
String part1;
String part2;
String part3;
part1 = com.substring(0, com.indexOf(" "));
part2 = com.substring(com.indexOf(" ")+1, com.lastIndexOf(" "));
int bool_loc = com.lastIndexOf(" ") + 1;
part3 = com.substring(bool_loc, com.indexOf("\n"));
elbow_angle = part1.toInt();
base_angle = part2.toInt();
if(part3 == "true"){
led = true;
} else {
led = false;
// again, this(two slashes) is how you make a comment
// that the computer will NOT read
// this is importing the Serial library so we can send data to Arduino
import processing.serial.*;
// this is declaration of the myPort variable
Serial myPort;
// here we are declaring the variables for the math conversions
// of x and y into angles
int adj_mousex, adj_mousey;
float xpos, ypos, elbow_x, elbow_y;
float hyp,
float inner_arm = 9; // the length of the shoulder
float outer_arm = 9; // the length of the elbow
// this is a true/false variable for the led
boolean led = false;
// setup ONLY runs once
// we establish variables and drawing canvas size
void setup() {
// size is how we set the size of the window we are drawing with the mouse
// the two numbers are width and height and you can make them whatever if you
// want a bigger mouse draw window
size(500, 300);
// the line below is the line you would 'uncomment'(remove the two slashes)
// to find the USB port that the Arduino is using
// once you have the [n] address where n is the serial port for the USBmodem
// just make sure the line below has that number in the brackets where "11" is right now
// these two lines will cause an error if you are not connected to the arduino OR
// if you are trying to connect to the wrong serial port
myPort = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[11], 115200);
// this sets the background color
background(255); // set to white at 255
// this sets the stroke and fill to black
// change these to change the color of the mouse draw
void draw() {
// here we are checking to see if the mouse is being pressed
if (mousePressed) {
// if the mouse is pressed we want to:
// turn on the led
led = true;
// and get x,y coordinates to convert to angles
xpos = map(mouseX, 0, width, -15, 15);
ypos = map(mouseY, 0, height, 15, 0);
// everything down to line 203 is math conversion stuff
hyp = sqrt(sq(xpos) + sq(ypos));
hyp_angle = asin(xpos / hyp);
//println("hyp_angle: " + degrees(hyp_angle));
inner_angle = acos((sq(hyp) + sq(inner_arm) - sq(outer_arm)) / (2 * hyp * inner_arm));
//println("inner_angle: " + degrees(inner_angle));
outer_angle = acos((sq(inner_arm) + sq(outer_arm) - sq(hyp)) / (2 * inner_arm * outer_arm));
//println("outer_angle: " + degrees(outer_angle));
elbow_angle = (PI - outer_angle);
base_angle = abs(hyp_angle - inner_angle);
base_angle = 180 - int(degrees(base_angle));
elbow_angle = int(degrees(elbow_angle));
// draw a line where the mouse is moved while being pressed
line(mouseX, mouseY, pmouseX, pmouseY);
} else {
// if the mouse is not being pressed
// we turn the led off
led = false;
// this part converts the math angles into a string to send to the Arduino
String to_arduino = str(elbow_angle) + ' ' + str(base_angle) + ' ' + led;
// this part send the data out the USB to the Arduino
myPort.write(to_arduino + "\n");
// this just prints out the string that is sent to the Arduino in the console at the bottom of the Processing sketch