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An R package allowing flexible base trimming and complete Fastq analysis on Windows System

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SeqWins Vignette

An R package allowing flexible base trimming and complete Fastq analysis on Windows System


# Install dependencies
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))


# Install and load SeqWins


SeqWins (fastq Sequence analysis on Windows system) can achieve on pure Windows system flexible base-level (ATCG) quality control and convenient high-level whole-process analysis of fastq data-- spanning quality control report, trimming bases and reads accordingly, alignment and feature count. Till now, words still prevail that Fastq data cannot be elegantly processed in Windows. However, the fundamental low-level R package ShortRead and Rsubread has been available for long, based on which SeqWins is build up as complementary to other useful R packages, like QuasR etc. Hope you'd find SeqWins useful and saving you from struggling for days to set up system environment and try various tools seemingly compatible with you daily Windows work station like I did when carrying out relevant tasks.


  • SeqWins
  • Fastq
  • Windows system
  • R
  • Trim base quality
  • Filter reads
  • RNAseq
  • Quality control report
  • DNAseq
  • CHIPseq

Prepare genomic Fastq sequence and the corresonding GTF annotation

These gemonic data of the same species as with your fastq data are required to build index when aligning reads and get feature counts, and can be download from NCBI assembly website, for example the hg38 files by clicking the top right "Download Assembly" button and selecting "Genomic FASTA (.fna)" and "Genomic GTF (.gtf)" sequentially on the resultant drop-down options.

If necessary untar the downloaded files as blow

untar("full/path/genome_assemblies_genome_fasta.tar",exdir = ".")
untar("full/path/genome_assemblies_genome_gtf.tar",exdir = ".")

QC report

set working directory, it will be where the QC result folder (ShortRead 1.46.0 name it as "ShortRead Quality Assessment_files"),index files and the folder named "bam" storing aligned data are located


and get QC report

# call ShortRead::qa to generate QC reports of all fastq.gz files
qa <- qa("full/path/FastqFolder", "fastq.gz")

the above will generate report of the fastq files retrieved by

list.files(path = "full/path/FastqFolder",pattern = "fastq.gz")

Trim bases,filter reads,align and count feature

According to the QC report, customize the parameters used for trimming bases, filtering reads. Although most can be left default,please specify file paths totally decided by yourself; the "subReadThreads","shortreadRAM" decided by your computer; and the sequence tech type decided by your project,hopefully not by money.

specify file path

If your fastq were generated from single-end sequencing (old-fashioned you are!), only specify fileList1 as blow

fl<-list.files(path = "full/path/FastqFolder",pattern = "fastq.gz")

If paired-end,specify both fileList1 i.e. the "read 1" files and fileList2 i.e. "read 2" files

fl_1<-list.files(path = "full/path/FastqFolder",pattern = "^.*_1\\.fastq\\.gz$")
fl_2<-list.files(path = "full/path/FastqFolder",pattern = "^.*_2\\.fastq\\.gz$")


Please don't forget to specify genomeRefFile and genomeAnnotFile i.e. the path of "Genomic FASTA (.fna)" and "Genomic GTF (.gtf)" as any of the above examples for the first time when you run seqW.

If you already have index files located in the working dir, you can speed it up by setting indexBasename="my_index" to avoid regenerating index files like below. And this will make seqW function ignore whatever is assgned to genomeRefFile.


alignPairedOutput only works for paired-end input,default is gsub(basename(fileList1),pattern ="_1.*\\.fastq\\.gz",replacement = "\\.bam"), optimize it please if it happens to cause overwriting of output files. For example for fastq files named as "a_1_sample1.fastq.gz", "a_2_sample1.fastq.gz", "a_1_sample2.fastq.gz", as "a_2_sample2.fastq.gz", sample1 and sample2 files will both result in "a.bam" and either overwriting or error will occur.

specify trim and filter

Below shows a complete list of trim and filter parameters. Probably most can be left as default except the adaptor sequence specific to your sequence platform

  1. endTrimThrs

Phred score threshold of the end base below which the end base will be trimmed,default "?"

  1. endTrimThrsend

mean Phred score threshold of five bases in ends,below which the five bases will be trimmed,default "4"

  1. adpter1Seq,adpter2Seq

adapter sequence to be trimmed from end and also inner part of the read

  • default adpter1Seq "AGATCGGAAGAGCACACGTCTGAACTCCAGTCA" i.e. illumina HT4000 adapter for read 1

  • default adpter2Seq "AGATCGGAAGAGCGTCGTGTAGGGAAAGAGTGT" i.e. illumina HT4000 adapter for read 2

  1. with.Lindels,with.Rindels

True if your reads contain indels on left end (5',corresponding to with.Lindels) or right end (3',corresponding to with.Rindels), default False

  1. widthThrs

width threshold of reads to be filtered out,default 14L

  1. cmplxThrs

complexity threshold of reads to be filtered out,default 0.5 i.e. half of mean complexity of human genome

  1. innerNThrs

number of N inside the read below which the read will be removed,default 2L

  • innerS

    which base should be considered the start of inside part of the read after the above trimming,default 4L

  • innerE

    which base should be considered the end of inside part of the read after the above trimming. Negative integer X for width(read)-abs(X) default -4L; positive integer X for Xth base

summary of trimming and filtration

A list containing dataframes of which each reports the result of trimming and filtration will be returned by the seqw function. You can assign the list to an object for further observation.


set alignType

Specifically for RNAseq leave alignType as default (simply don't mention it). By the way, unit of "shortreadRAM" is byte,don't panic.


For DNAseq, longDNAseq, RNAseq aim at exon-exon junction and microRNAseq, set alignType as 'dna','dnaLong','rnaExon_Exon'and 'microRNA' respectively--

seqW(fileList1=fl,alignType ='dna')#DNAseq
seqW(fileList1=fl,alignType ='dnaLong')#longDNAseq
seqW(fileList1=fl,alignType ='rnaExon_Exon')#RNAseq aim at exon-exon junction
seqW(fileList1=fl,alignType ='microRNA')#microRNAseq

set featureCount

If only gene counts are needed to be output, leave useMetaFeatures as default (simply don't mention it). Please note each row in the input "Genomic GTF (.gtf)" is a feature, and many features can belong to one gene while some features have no corresponding gene ID. You can see all fields that define a feature here. Thus, if feature counts containing information of all the fields rather than gene counts are needed, specify useMetaFeatures=F as below, so that the output will give information like the number of reads mapped to "+" strand of chromosome "II" from "380" to "401".


Even more flexibility is faciliated!

Hope the package can realize easy but deep appreciation of your fastq data, and you probably have found every parameters you wanna touch through above introduction. But there is even more! ... arguments enable seqW function to access all the arguments in the classic functions wrapped inside it, including

  1. Rsubread::align, called when alignType="dna" ,"rna" ,"microRNA"
  2. Rsubread::sublong, called when alignType="longDNA"
  3. Rsubread::subjunc, called when alignType="rnaExon_Exon"
  4. Rsubread::featureCounts, called every time seqW runs ( thus simply add their parameters (see what they have by ?Rsubread::featureCounts or Rsubread vignettes) when calling seqW, e.g.
# minFragLength by default is 50L in Rsubread, but you can modify it easily as blow

all are exported to facilitate your own pipeline

You might even wanna add/alter the trimming and filtration pipeline; No problem! I have exported every units wrapped under the top-level function, including

  1. trimEnds
  2. trimTailw
  3. trimAdapter
  4. filterWidth
  5. filterLowQuality
  6. ShortRead::nFilter
  7. filterLowComplexity
  8. filterInnerN

simply ?trimEnds for example, to see their function and how to use it as bricks to make your own trimming and filter flow. And then use aforementioned Rsubread functions to complete alignment and feature count.

run from trimmed fastq.gz or aligned bam

seqW will sequentially generate

  1. index files in working dir, whose names by default start with "my_index";
  2. trimmed ".fastq.gz" files whose names contain "trimed" in the same folder as for you initially input ".fastq.gz" files;
  3. aligned ".bam" files in the folder named "bam" located in working dir;
  4. feature counts in ".rds" format in working dir.

The above steps are carried out by Rsubread::buildindex, TrimAndFilter, Rsubread::align or its variant and Rsubread::featureCounts, respectively. We have earlier discussed how to use seqW funciton avoid repeating generation of index files when there are already index files. Besides, if satisfactory trimmed fastq exist, simply sequentially call necessary functions listed above to achieve your goal, e.g. building index by Rsubread::buildindex then aligning and count features by Rsubread::align and Rsubread::featureCounts. If you even have aligned bam, just run Rsubread::buildindex and Rsubread::featureCounts. If you have got feature counts at hand, well, thank you a lot for using or visiting this package.

Also see html vignetts