This Plugins allows RVIZ to render to the HTC Vive. This README is incomplete and will be updated in the near future.
Please install SteamVR using the Steam client. Clone the OpenVR repository.
The Plugin is build using catkin. You have to create a catkin workspace first. Open up a terminal and:
- mkdir -p catkin_ws/src
- cd catkin_ws/src
- catkin_init_workspace
Clone this repository into catkin_ws/src. Open the CMakeList.txt file and change the OpenVR path in line 30. You can then build the plugin by navigating to catkin_ws and executing catkin_make in a terminal.
To use the plugin, hookup your Vive, startup your ros environment, etc. Open up a new terminal and navigate to your catkin workspace. Then:
- source devel/setup.zsh or source devel/setup.bash depending on your shell
Start RVIZ rosrun rviz rviz, then press Add in the bottom left corner of the window, and add the ViveDisplay. Now the view in RVIZ should be rendered to your HTC Vive.
This Plugin was developed at the Institute for Advanced Mining Technologies, RWTH Aachen. It is based on this previous project