- What is this
- Structure
- Requirements
- What is tested
- Automation
- How to run it
- Observations
- Example of usage
Iphicles project aims to give a solution to heracles challenge. This project combines several technologies and frameworks to achieve the solution.
Solution consists of a backend-frontend application together with regression and acceptance end-to-end test-suite.
This project has 4 sub-projects with following structure:
├── back-end
│ └── src
├── front-end
│ ├── e2e
│ └── src
├── images
├── regression-test
│ ├── features
│ └── report
└── ui-test
├── config
└── src
Back-end sevice is a java sprint boot application that offers a rest-full API used by the fronted.
Front-end application is an angular application that offers simple single page application where money formatting can be done.
Images folder contains the different multimedia resource attache in this README file.
- iphicles.png : screenshot of front-end application.
- iphicles_build.gif : recorded screen of running
. - iphicles_test.gif : recorded screen of running
Regression test is a tool implemented with Node and CucumberJS that verifies the rest-full API offered by the back-end.
UI test is a tool implemented with Groovy, Spock, Geb and Selenium that performs an acceptance testing by exercising application offered by front-end.
Iphicles requires:
- Mac-OSx
- Docker for Mac link (version
- docker-compose link (version 1.24.1)
- Screen sharing (optional and installed by default on Mac)
- Project was developed using my personal Mac laptop.
- Docker and VNC viewer require admin privileges to be installed.
- Specific versions for docker and docker-compose are provided in case of error when running with different version.
In back-end project following testing is carried:
- Unit testing verifying the API rest controller and service with the logic.
- Contract testing, aka PACT, testing the provider side of the API contract.
- NOTE that these tests need to PASS in order to generate a release back-end artifact.
In front-end project following testing is carried:
- Component testing verifying the different components and services.
- UI testing using protractor that renders and verifies the full UI.
- NOTE that these tests need to PASS in order to generate a release front-end artifact.
Regression test project is an API testing framework that aims to conduct a full regression testing exercising the rest-full API offered by back-end:
- Full batterry of tests is performed using the big list of naughty strings.
UI test project is an end-to-end acceptance testing exercising the application offered by front-end using selenium.
Iphicles is automated using docker-compose that runs docker images built previously and some helper/external tools (like nginx proxy or selenium node). This cluster is configured to start-up in a predefined order and with health checks to establish order/run dependencies. Where regression-test or ui-test specifies their dependencies, spawning the required services needed for the testing.
Iphicles provides single script to build and run everything.
So simply executing ./build-and-test-all.sh
would fetch docker dependencies and build services, start-up the cluster and finally run the regression and ui testing.
In case of having everything built, executing ./test-all.sh
would run testing without using already built services.
Just to build everything, build-all.sh
would re-build all the services and generated the release docker images.
- BE PATIENT! first build would take longer as it would need to fetch all the docker dependencies that would be cached for later.
- When running ui-test, screen sharing applicawtion can be used to visualize what it is rendered on the browser. Just executing
open vnc://localhost:5900
with passwordsecret