Googlemap control for Asp.Net MVC wraps Google Maps APIs simplifying the use of Google Maps in ASP.NET Core Web Applications.
- Specific Api Version
- UI Controls
- Map Language
- Multiple Maps
- Client Events
- PartialView with Ajax
- Map Types
- Styled Map Type
- Image Map Type (Game of Thrones)
- Markers
- Custom Icons
- Info Windows
- Clustering
- Databinding
- Client Events
- Geocoding
- FitToMarkersBounds
- External Reference
- Shapes
- Polyline
- Polygons
- Circles
- Databinding
- Services
- Geolocation
- Geocoding
- Layers
- Heatmap
- Kml
- Traffic
- Transit
- Bicycling
- Libraries
- Places (Non mvc yet)
- Drawing (Non mvc yet)
Inside Visual Studio create a new ASP.Net Core Web Application. Open the package manager console and install the Googlemap Mvc nuget package by typing the following command.
PM> Install-Package Jmelosegui.Mvc.Googlemap
Once you have it go to the Pages->Index.cshtml and include the following
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-12">
and at the end of that page add the following
@section scripts
Don't forget to add the namespace to the very top of your page
@using Jmelosegui.Mvc.GoogleMap
Now hit F5 and you should see the map rendering on the page
As soon as a new change is pushed to this repo, a build is executed and an updated NuGet package is published to this Package Feed:
By adding this URL to your package sources you can immediately install the latest version of the NuGet packages to your project without wating for your feature to be "officially" published to This can be done by adding a nuget.config file with the following content to the root of your project's repo:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<clear />
<add key="Jmelosegui.OSS" value="" />
<add key="" value="" />
You can then install the package while you have your new "Googlemap Mvc CI" package source selected:
PM> Install-Package Jmelosegui.Mvc.Googlemap -Pre
Googlemap control for Asp.Net MVC is released under the MIT.