- TakeHomeTask framework, for querying the Maze tiles API
- PromiseKit, for cleaner async code
- Gloss, for succinct JSON parsing
- Kingfisher, for image caching
The latter three dependencies are managed by CocoaPods. To run the app locally, issue the following from the project root:
$ pod install
Then open Maisie.xcworkspace
A test suite is included using XCTest.
// MaisieTests/MazeAPITests.swift L15-L28 (235cf32b)
class MazeAPITests: XCTestCase {
var mazeManager = MockMazeManager()
override func setUp() {
MazeAPI.shared.mazeManager = self.mazeManager
func testSubsequentCallsForTheSameRoomAreFetchedFromCache() {
_ = MazeAPI.shared.fetchRoom(roomId: self.mazeManager.mockRoomID)
_ = MazeAPI.shared.fetchRoom(roomId: self.mazeManager.mockRoomID)
XCTAssertEqual(self.mazeManager.timesCalled("fetchRoom"), 1)
// Maisie/Controllers/MazeVC.swift L11-L26 (235cf32b)
class MazeVC: UIViewController {
@IBOutlet weak var collectionView: UICollectionView!
@IBOutlet weak var loadingIndicator: UIActivityIndicatorView!
@IBOutlet weak var timeLabel: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var generateButton: UIButton!
// keep track of how long the maze generation takes to complete
let mazeTimer = Timer()
// update the layout's number of columns as the maze is built
var mazeViewFlowLayout = MazeViewFlowLayout()
let maze = Maze.shared
var rooms = [[Room?]]() {
didSet { collectionView.reloadData() }
// Maisie/Controllers/MazeVC.swift L43-L45 (235cf32b)
@IBAction func generateButtonWasPressed(_ sender: UIButton) {
// Maisie/Models/Maze.swift L40-L54 (235cf32b)
/// Generate a new maze using the API.
/// Resets any current state.
/// Will no-op if a maze is currently generating.
/// Notifies delegate via `didBeginLoadingMaze`.
func generate() {
guard !isLoading else { return }
isLoading = true
firstly { MazeAPI.shared.startRoom() }
.then { roomId in MazeAPI.shared.fetchRoom(roomId: roomId) }
.then { startRoom in self.fetchNeighbors(rooms: [startRoom]) }
.catch { print("Error: \($0)") }
// Maisie/Models/MazeAPI.swift L47-L60 (235cf32b)
func fetchRoom(roomId: String, coordinates: Coordinates? = nil) -> Promise<Room> {
return Promise { (fulfill, reject) in
// If room has already been encountered, return its cached copy
// without making an API call
if let room = MazeCache.shared.get(roomWithId: roomId) {
// Query the API for the given room ID's associated room attributes
self.mazeManager.fetchRoom(withIdentifier: roomId) { (data, error) in
if let error = error {
return reject(error)
// Maisie/Models/MazeCache.swift L11-L16 (235cf32b)
final class MazeCache {
static let shared = MazeCache()
private init() {}
var roomsById = NSCache<NSString, Room>()
var roomsByCoordinate = NSCacheCache<Coordinates, Room>()
// Maisie/Models/Maze.swift L70-L93 (235cf32b)
/// Performs a depth-first traversal of the room graph, recursively
/// fetching new adjacent rooms. Triggers lifecycle methods on the delegate.
private func fetchNeighbors(rooms: [Room]) {
if rooms.isEmpty {
self.isLoading = false
// set "maze is loading" state. Used to determine if a new maze can
// currently be generated.
self.isLoading = true
// Notify delegate a traversal has begun, add any given rooms to the grid
add(rooms: rooms)
// recurse on each of the neighboring rooms once their
// promises are fulfilled.
join(rooms.flatMap({ $0.neighboringRooms }))
.then { rooms in self.fetchNeighbors(rooms: rooms) }
.always { self.delegate?.didEndTraversal() }
.catch { error in print("Error during graph traversal: \(error)") }
// Maisie/Models/Room.swift L22-L37 (d2cb1090)
/// Pointers to adjacent rooms that have not already been encountered.
/// Whether or not a room has been encountered is determined by checking
/// the maze cache. This check is needed in order to stop the graph traversal
/// that builds the maze.
var newNeighbors: [RoomPointer] {
return neighbors.filter { roomPointer in
!MazeCache.shared.contains(roomWithId: roomPointer.targetId)
/// Promises returning adjacent Rooms that have not been encountered before.
var neighboringRooms: [Promise<Room>] {
return newNeighbors.map { roomPointer in
roomPointer.getRoom(from: self)
// Maisie/Models/RoomPointer.swift L45-L54 (d2cb1090)
/// Return a Promise to the Room pointed to by this RoomPointer.
func getRoom(from origin: Room) -> Promise<Room> {
return fetchRoom(roomId: targetId, originCoordinates: origin.coordinates)
fileprivate func fetchRoom(roomId: String, originCoordinates coords: Coordinates)
-> Promise<Room> {
let target = Coordinates.inDirection(self.direction, fromOrigin: coords)
return MazeAPI.shared.fetchRoom(roomId: roomId, coordinates: target)
// Maisie/Models/RoomPointer.swift L57-L74 (d2cb1090)
class LockedRoomPointer: RoomPointer {
/// A specialization of `getRoom` that first unlocks the given room to get
/// the room ID, then returns a promise that resolves to that Room.
/// - Parameters:
/// - origin: The origin Room from which to understand the pointer's
/// direction.
override func getRoom(from origin: Room) -> Promise<Room> {
return firstly {
return MazeAPI.shared.unlockRoom(lockId: targetId)
}.then { roomId in
return self.fetchRoom(roomId: roomId, originCoordinates: origin.coordinates)
}.catch { error in
print("Error: \(error)")
// Maisie/Controllers/MazeVC.swift L48-L79 (235cf32b)
// MARK: MazeDelegate
extension MazeVC: MazeDelegate {
func didBeginLoadingMaze() {
generateButton.isEnabled = false
loadingIndicator.isHidden = false
timeLabel.isHidden = false
func didBeginTraversal() {
timeLabel.text = mazeTimer.durationString
func didUpdateMaze(grid: [[Room?]]) {
rooms = grid
guard let columns = grid.first?.count else { return }
// update flow layout with the number of columns now present
mazeViewFlowLayout.update(columns: columns)
collectionView.collectionViewLayout = mazeViewFlowLayout
func didEndTraversal() {
timeLabel.text = mazeTimer.durationString
func didEndLoadingMaze() {
loadingIndicator.isHidden = true
generateButton.isEnabled = true
// Maisie/Controllers/MazeVC.swift L101-L116 (d2cb1090)
func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView,
cellForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UICollectionViewCell {
let room = rooms[indexPath.section][indexPath.row]
if let room = room {
let cell = collectionView
.dequeueReusableCell(withReuseIdentifier: MazeCell.reuseID,
for: indexPath) as! MazeCell
cell.configure(room: room)
return cell
} else {
let emptyCell = collectionView
.dequeueReusableCell(withReuseIdentifier: EmptyMazeCell.reuseID,
for: indexPath) as! EmptyMazeCell
return emptyCell
// Maisie/Models/Maze.swift L56-L64 (64bad87c)
/// Add a room to the known maze.
/// Stores the new room's coordinates, then regenerates the maze grid
/// from the set of all currently known coordinates.
/// Notifies the delegate that the maze has been updated.
func add(room: Room) {
delegate?.didUpdateMaze(grid: grid)