Covering 400 years of U.S. history with a minimal approach, tech and biz.
See local file.
Created the GitHub'ing project. Will split the focus, as appropriate, with a couple more projects in store.
--- Technical section -------
See (and to watch progress. Also, I use our technology blog for related commentary. Example:
For now, see for the operational site. What pends discussion will be expanding biz and tech. The former will help manage the non-profit as well as access, etc. The latter is open ended, right now mapping to a WordPress blog.
See for a continuation of a theme that is several years old relating to modern issues of content management. What did GitHub ( look like in 2012? Doesn't matter, as code was not the focus. Content was. I pulled together a mishmash using HTML that kept me working, almost, as in Before long, I was looking for alternatives. Still am, however, I am an old roll-your-own'er. So, it is imperative that I give that a chance in this new world of people making offerings that are more 'trojan horse' than not. Discussion: I have old posts on Google/Blogger that I need to pull forward.
--- on technology, AI, and more ---- Temporary area for links about Computing, Lisp and other history: ; ; ;
--- blog, hence --- Note: 08/13/2019 -- Kudos to GitHub. It's been three days, of dabbling (time constraints). And, the site has me up to speed so that I can already see improvement paths and means to get the necessary changes defined. In short, in 2012, working alone, I made choices after looking a the landscape (Drupal, Joomla, Concrete 5, and Wordpress) and went with html/css/js on a Linux server. The purpose for coming here was that I have been doing both content and configuration. And, content is fairly well established now in terms of categories and structure. We need to step up to furthering the configuration. CLI versus GUI, static versus what one might call ad hoc production, partial or whole cloud, and a lot more are topics that have been there from day one. Nuances come about through changes. All I had to do was be aware of time stamps when reading as it is not always easily discernible when something was written. But, I found stuff from within the past few months. Close enough. The point? This came about by GitHub's impact on the cognitve self through various ways to discuss; all of this is related to necessary discussions on truth engineering (disclosure: came out of the complicated and dynamic environment of Boeing where process improvement required software/hardward advancements while balancing form, fit, funcion of a product in the context of top-down design (mission, program, even industrial design) and bottom-up capability (the slew of engineering, materials, et al).
Note: 08/14/2019 -- Later today, will update the GitHub'ing default with appropriate material and links as we work to integrate GitHub into the process and begin using our improved methods.
Note: 08/16/2019 -- Got GitHub'ing set up with our own format from the PortalToTruth. Will review this for improvement after doing a process review. Notes will be posted at the public page while re-organization goes on.
Note: 09/07/2019 -- This was the first effort on GitHub; then, went over to GitHub'ing. 30 days, tomorrow.
Note: 10/11/2019 -- Content and configuration. These two overlap. Too, they are nuanced, as in, no real delimitation. Except, there is this that AI will help us focus on: content deals with 'why?' and is away from the machine; configuration deals mostly with how in all of its aspects.
Note: 11/06/2019 -- Content and configuration relate in a spiral, almost as twisty as DNA. There is another view that we need to consider. Our overarching framework is cultural heritage as it pertain to 'inter' and 'intra' generational dynamics. As in, people carrying life and progress forward. We may differ as to particulars, however the long trail of time does show the change that is bothe the result of and the cause of progress. Of late, we have an entirely new deal, the computer and that which it enables (AI, clouds, etc.). Of course, along with culture we have nature which is the hereditary heritage that we all carry along. We have seen the 'meme' get attention; it can deal with culture more than nature. So, this framework will be our focal. And, we will have a 400-year span with which to work including, of course, some aspects outside of the Americas. The 'portal to truth' as written above? Not facetious, at all. Rather, it's recognizing the importance of truth engineering in the computer age. We will demonstrate aspects of that as we work along. Lots to do.
Note: 12/20/2019 -- So, full circle. See post at this site for today ( Had tried jekyll early but went to own method for that website. However, on browsing about backend'ing, ran into Jekyll. What? Lots of good companies are using it in the context of Open Source. And, it has facilities (with extensions) for handling the text with a blog using techniques out of source control. And, I might add, requirements management. So, what's to not like? I'll be Jekyll'ing for a while.
Note: 01/04/2020 -- RPCs, servers, masters/slaves, demons, communications, databases, APIs, peer-to-peer, callbacks, servlets, server/client mixes, thin client, cloud, generic apps, services, ..., all in a day's work, ..., amongst all of this, mischief looms, ..., that is, unwarranted usage. Then, development, workbenches, test benches, optimizing compilers, language by context (while seemingly context-free), domains, mathematics, ..., what lurks that is hidden and ought to not be forgotten? Have we forgotten too much? Put too much trust in the wizards?
Note: 01/22/2020 -- As I work technical details, I will be looking, too, at the machine-human aspect. Humans have a long history. And, generational dynamics are age-old. It is there where we see some interesting phenomenon. I will use one (unnamed) group where I can see closely the interplay of the older and younget sets with the emerging being a major influence.
Note: 02/06/2020 -- Watch for some technical discussions, say, MIP and NEXP in a framework needing some attention.
Note: 02/19/2020 -- Addition ( from this (
Note: 03/09/2020 -- Inspiration comes from various angles. Today, someone who studied Comp Sci (2007-2012). I ran into his stuff while looking for x86 information with regard to truth engineering. Noticed the GitHub connection. But, then, read: Hand writes own HTML, CSS, and Javascript. Can relate to that. Will be updating these pages:,, and And, will continue on the road of the long hoe'ing. While balancing the 400-year view with futures as we will need to be in the mode to do it right.
Note: 04/18/2020 -- Very nice view of the status that skirts the hype.
Note: 05/25/2020 -- Of late, dealing with a 'scale-up' system by playing the user role and noting where there might be nuance'd issues. You know, techies like to point to the user as the culprit in times of grief caused by errors. But, this old guy says, tsk, 'test by death' has been allowed just too long. You know, we have to go back to the story of Babel, almost. Want to know why? Stay tuned.
Note: 06/03/2020 -- We have information brought to us via the writings of the past which consist of a huge collection. The span of this material might vary by parts of the world, but the extent in years is 1000s. We make, as a culture, note of the role of Islam in preserving some of the material of early Greek origin. Do we look more closely at Islam and its culture in terms of applicability to the future of technology? Ah, the western world brought the marvels of today? The 400-year span of the American experiment can be seen as very pertinent to a more full evolution, where sustainablity gets its due attention.
Note: 06/19/2020 -- We will get to using GitHub facilities more as we get out of the lockdown mode's constraints.
Note: 06/29/2020 -- Have a good example of filtering web stuff, where older (not necessarily bad) might be, at least, acknowledged (each idea has a long history - formerly, pruning came due to Okkam's input).
Note: 07/18/2020 -- Either the computational stuff is too much (data science will tell us the horrors of wrangling) or too little (minor noise, like a worrying wart). And, knowledge? Somehow, those called 'deplorable' will be more important than allowed so far as knowledge is top-down driven (science, the main example).
Note: 08/04/2020 -- Today, got to think about and write on the subject of the applicability of Spinoza's thoughts (yes, Baruch's) on computing. Consider, he's the first programming in a very high-level language.
Note: 09/09/2020 -- Following up on Spinoza:
Note: 09/09/2020 -- Tangled web, 'tis:
Note: 09/15/2020 -- Spent the last two quarters in a user mode (all sorts of environments, applications) so as to get the grunge word out of the horses mouth. Yes. Colonialism and its mindsets are alive and well in SValley (and its peers). However, having said that, application development is much more fun, albeit the cardinalities have blown up everywhere. Some say scale up; I say nope, lucky. So much to discuss and do. AnTuTu is an example of the development changes, as is, GitHub and its offerings. So, in terms of getting back to work, we can go back five years in order to relate what we have done here versus the push of industry as a whole. On a reassessment, we're still right on (truth engineering); Spinoza will be a little sidetrack.
Note: 09/17/2020 -- Category theory applies, somewhat, especially on that finite/infinite fuzzy line.
Note: 10/28/2020 -- Wonderful demonstration (JSON mode mimicking Lisp):
Note: 11/03/2020 -- Gardner's Beacon, Vol. X, No. 1. Done
Note: 12/11/2020 -- Paused, a bit, to relook at aNN (neural nets of various types) with respect to the details, especially the technical type. So, with that survey and descent to the guts of the matter, we can start to describe how that thrust relates to how we want to proceed among other things. One focus that we have is truth engineering which is open-ended and beyond those activities related to fact finding. The problems are much deeper than that.
Note: 12/15/2020 -- For technical stuff, see
Note: 12/21/2020 -- First winter day, but spring like. So, outside work. But, then back in to intellectualize.
Note: 01/24, 26/2021 -- Stopping to look at Julia, programming language (, ..., found good topic, worthy example (, ...,
Note: 03/28/2021 -- So, was off to deep dive, in the real sense, into the philosophy of mathematics with an operational flavor which implies, yes, applied work which is never ending, essentially. The portal has been updated as we also are covering several domains some of which have really had no proper focus. There is one thing that has stood out through the ins and outs of the past few months where Bourbaki was there as a backbone albeit with several extensions by others in different areas. The computer has ultimately change the nature of mathematics. Guess what? The philosophy of mathematics was never taken serious as many figured such concerns to be of no interest or of little matter. That will change. Along another line, have a grasp of what's the intriguing aspect of 'deep learning' and of the inadequate explanations found so far.
Note: 12/18/2021 -- Lots going on. DAR, BOMC, TGS, Truth Engineering, etc.