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joaquin edited this page Jan 16, 2021 · 43 revisions

Tools I use

Tool Task
manjaro arch linux os
fish shell shell
neovim editor
fd find files
exa list files
ripgrep search in files
tokei count lines of code
httpie making HTTP requests
bat show file contents
sd replace files
hyperfine benchmarking / time tools
mdp presentation
lf terminal file browser


  • Tiling_window_manager:
    • dwm
    • i3wm
    • bspwm
    • sway
  • Terminal:
    • kitty: GPU accelerated
    • alacritty: GPU accelerated
    • st
    • tmux: terminal multiplexer
  • editor:
  • Shell:
    • fish: friendly interactive shell
    • zsh: z-shell terminal
    • xonshrc: python-based terminal
    • bashrc: bash terminal
    • starship: command prompt for bash
    • lsd: ls deluxe
  • launcher
    • dmenu
    • rofi
    • synapse
  • Reader
    • zathura: pdf reader
    • newsboat: rss feed reader
    • fx: json
  • browse the web
    • googler
    • s-search
    • howdoi
    • tldr
    • cheat
  • documentation
    • zeal:
  • Terminal file manager
  • ucollage: images browser on terminal repo
  • move around
  • Search files
    • fzf: fuzzy finder
    • locate
  • video
    • mpv: player
    • kdenlive: editor
    • losslesscut: cutter
  • music
    • cmus
    • moc
    • ncmpcpp
  • Browser
    • firefox
    • qutebrowser
  • System overview
    • glances
    • htop
    • neofetch
    • top
  • Monitor display management:
    • mons: manage monitors config from the terminal
    • arandr: manange monitors with GUI
    • xrandr
  • open files
  • System preferences
    • network manager for LAN and wifi
      • nmtui: text GUI
      • nmcli: command line
    • audio
      • pavucontrol

MacOs only

  • documentation
    • dash:
    • Cheatsheet: hold on command to see which key bindings you can use for each application
  • keyboard
  • tiling window manager
    • yabai MacOS window manager
    • spectacle
    • amethist


  • aws services
    • lifecycle manager: snap machines
    • ec2: virtual private
    • eks: kubernetes
    • paralell-cluster: sun grid engine to queue and run bash jobs. can be ellastic.
    • s3: block storage
  • serving your website with github pages
  • netlify also has a nice free tier

Python tools




My shortcuts

  • sxhkd: shortcuts
    • mod + enter terminal
    • mod + q: close window
    • mod + X: lock screen window
    • mod + d: rofi launcher
    • mod + D: dmenu
    • mod + y calendar
    • mod + n newsboat
    • mod + m $MUSIC
    • mod + e firefox
    • mod + w google-chrome
    • mod + -/+ increase/decrease volume
    • mod + -/+ increase/decrease volume
    • mod + M mute toggle
  • dwm window manager
    • mod + h/j/k/l move to different windows
    • mod + J/K move a window around
    • mod + H/L resize window
    • mod + a toggle gaps
    • mod + b toggle status bar
    • mod + f toggle full-screen
    • mod + 1..9 go to a workspace
    • mod + Shift + 1..9 send current window to a desktop
    • super+(shift+)t/y/u/i New layouts: bstack, fibonacci, deck, centered master
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