Calcu-16 is a processor I made to help me learn verilog.
At first the plan was to make a module for each part of the
processor and attach them together in a core module but I
couldn't get it to work. The problem was that if I attach the
output of the register module to input a of the alu module
the output of the alu becomes x. This only happened when one
output of the register module was 0. You can see my first
attempt in the old_attempt
Calcu-16 has eight general purpose registers named r0-r7. Each register is 16-bits wide. There are two other registers, the IR (Instruction Register 26-bit) and the PC (Program Counter 16-bit).
0:3 4:6 7:9 10:12
op-code registers unused
│ │ │
┌┴─┐ ┌───────┴─┐ ┌──────────┴┐
0000 000 000 000 0000000000000
└┬┘ └┬┘ └┬┘
r1 r2 r3
0:3 4:6 7:9 10:25
op-code registers immediate/addr
│ │ │
┌┴─┐ ┌────┴┐ ┌─────┴────────┐
0000 000 000 0000000000000000
└┬┘ └┬┘
r1 r2
Instruction | Op-Code | Format | Description |
nop | 0000 | N/A | Does nothing. |
add reg1, reg2, reg3 | 0001 | Register | Adds reg2 to reg3. Stores the result in reg1. |
addi reg1, reg2, Imm | 0010 | Immediate | Adds reg2 to Imm. Stores the result in reg1. |
jmp addr | 0011 | Memory | Sets the PC to the value of addr. |
jeq reg1, reg2, addr | 0100 | Memory | If reg1 = reg2 then jump to addr. |
store reg1, reg2, addr | 0101 | Memory | Store reg1 at addr + reg2. |
load reg1, reg2, addr | 0110 | Memory | Load reg1 with the value stored at addr + reg2. |
xor reg1, reg2, reg3 | 0111 | Register | XOR reg2 and reg3 put the result in reg2. |
and reg1, reg2, reg3 | 1000 | Register | AND reg2 and reg3 put the result in reg2. |
To build Calcu-16 from source you must run
To run a program open bin/program.bin
and uncomment the
program you want to run. Then open a terminal and type:
cd bin
If you want to write your own program just add it to the end
of bin/program.bin
. To make writing the program easier
you could use my assembler although I don't recomend it.
Also, feel free to contribute any programs you make to the
If you want to create a .vcd
wave file then open
and src/calcu-16_tb.v
. Find the
part in each file where it says "Uncomment for debugging" and
uncomment the following lines.
To use the assembler open the assembler
folder. To
assemble the example counter program use the folowing command:
python counter.asm counter.bin
This will create a file called counter.bin which you can then
copy the contents of into the bin/program.bin
You can write your own assembly programs and assemble them with the folowing format:
python [your program.asm] [name of the output file.bin]