Mimex is an Elixir library to help automate the creation and implementation of module doubles for testing. It's most useful when testing controllers in apps that use a service-oriented architecture as service often need to be mocked in order to fully test each possible code path.
Mimex aims to solve this by offering the these features:
- Automate the creation of mock doubles. No need to keep separate files for mocks or constantly keep definition up to date,
can read a given module and return back a module with the same functions / arities as the original. - Change the implementation of module functions on the fly at the test level. Keep everything needed for a test to run in the same place.
Simply install the package by adding mimex
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
[{:mimex, "~> 0.1.0"}]
# config.exs
config :app, :user_service, UserService
# user_service.ex
defmodule UserService do
def create_user(params) do
# do things involved with creating a user
{:ok, user}
# user_controller.ex
defmodule UserController do
@service Application.get_env(:app, :user_service)
def create(params) do
case @service.create_user(params) do
{:ok, user} -> {:ok, user}
{:error, reason} -> {:error, reason}
# test_helper.exs
# switch out our configured UserService with a Mimex double
Application.put_env(:app, :user_service, Mimex.stub(UserService))
# user_controller_test.exs
defmodule UserControllerTest do
use ExUnit.Case
import Mimex
alias User
alias UserService
alias Mimex.UserService, as: FakeUserService
setup do
user = %User{id: 1}
{:ok, user: user}
test "can create a user", {user: user} do
# ensure our fake service returns the user we want when called
expects FakeUserService, :create_user, fn (_params) -> {:ok, user} end
{:ok, returned_user} = UserController.create(params)
assert returned_user.id == user.id
test "can handle errors on user creation", {user: user} do
# ensure that our fake service returns back an error
expects FakeUserService, :create_user, fn (_params) -> {:error, "oh no it failed"} end
{:error, reason} = UserController.create(params)
assert reason == "oh no it failed"