- python 3.4+
With virtualenv (recommended)
:~/swellCLI $ virtualenv -p python3 venv
:~/swellCLI $ source venv/bin/activate
(venv) :~/swellCLI $ ./install.py
$ swell [args]
- [no argument] -- Prompts user to select a location and by default will display the current conditions (unless other flags are specified).
- [nickname] -- Will display either the current conditions, forecast, or both (depending on specified flags) for the given nickname.
- spots -- Displays users saved spots by nickname.
- add -- Prompts user to add/save a new spot to user data store.
- remove [nickname] -- Removes saved spot from user data store if it is a valid nickname or spot index.
- reset -- Resets user data store to original state.
- -c -- Current conditions
- -f -- Forecast
- -h, --help -- Displays manual
'-h' and '--help' are only interpreted if used exclusively. Other flags can be used in combination i.e. -fc, -cf.
- Scraped from swellinfo.com