Un-Block The World.
This project unblocks websites on my school chromebook.
For information on how UBTW works please visit this.
Make sure you have a GitHub account before you do anything else. Make sure you are logged into your GitHub account then click the fork button on this page.
Once your on the fork page click Code -> Codespaces -> Create Codespace on Main. This should open the VSCode web editor. Once the web editor is opened there should be a terminal at the bottem. Click on the terminal and type in "cd nodeunblocker.com" for nodeunblocker (Recommended) and "cd Riptide" for Riptide. After that run "npm i" to install the dependencies. Now you can finally run "npm start" to run the program. After a couple of seconds there should be a popup about port forwarding; click the blue button in that popup.