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An opinionated and simple starter kit that contains the basic structure and code files to quickly start developing web pages or apps.


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Front end Boilerplate

This is an opinionated and simple starter kit that contains the basic structure and code files to quickly start developing web pages or apps.

Getting started

To install this project follow the next steps:

  • Use git clone to clone this git repo on your local machine
  • (or Download as zip this git repo on your local machine)
  • Navigate to the root directory of the project
  • Install devDependencies with npm install
  • Build the project and start the local server with gulp serve and the project is ready to take your changes.

HTML (index.html)

The index file contains the basic skeleton of a typical web page and a few TODO comments to help identify the missing values.

The following are included in the HEAD:

  1. normalize.css: "v8.0.1" - stylesheet through jsDelivr CDN
  2. main.css - the main stylesheet file
  3. index.css - the index specific stylesheet file
  4. Open graph starter code
  5. Schema data script placeholder

The BODY element contains a basic markup which includes header, main, and footerand at the end of the body is already linked the main.js file.


The styles folder contains:

  1. The scss folder, which includes all the structure and files about the styles. This folder is compiled into normal CSS from the task runner.
  2. The vendor folder, which will contain all the extra stylesheets from third party components.
  3. The index.scss file, which is a stylesheet specific to the index page.
  4. The main.scss file, which contains all the global style rules.

Both index.scss and main.scss and all .css or .scss files are compiled by the task runner and they are placed in the styles folder when the project gets build.

SCSS Structure

The scss folder structure is based on the 7-1 architecture pattern, and consists of the following folders:

  • base

The base/ folder holds what we might call the boilerplate code for the project. In there, you might find the reset file, some typographic rules, and probably a stylesheet defining some standard styles for commonly used HTML elements.

  • components

For smaller components, there is the components/ folder. While layout/ is macro (defining the global wireframe), components/ is more focused on widgets. It contains all kind of specific modules like a slider, a loader, a widget, and basically anything along those lines. There are usually a lot of files in components/ since the whole site/application should be mostly composed of tiny modules.

  • layout

The layout/ folder contains everything that takes part in laying out the site or application. This folder could have stylesheets for the main parts of the site (header, footer, navigation, sidebar…), the grid system or even CSS styles for all the forms.

  • utilities

The utilities/ folder gathers all Sass tools and helpers used across the project. Every global variable, function, mixin and placeholder should be put in here. The rule of thumb for this folder is that it should not output a single line of CSS when compiled on its own. These are nothing but Sass helpers.

Each folder contains a partial with the same name that is imported to the main.scss and it is used to hold the rest of the partials of that folder.


The scripts folder contains:

  1. The vendor folder, which is reserved for any third party script file.
  2. The main.js file, which holds all the logic that is used across the project.

The main.js script should contain only code that is used in all pages (ie. menu toggles, scroll events, animations etc) and not page specific code, these code snippets should be on a separate file and linked to each page, so we can avoid loading unnecessary code.


Bundled with the project is the task runner gulpfile.js, which is responsible for compiling, minification, image optimization, copying files, starting the local server and watching for file changes and lastly for building the distribution folder of the project.

It includes the following tasks:

  ├── html
  ├── styles
  ├── scripts
  ├── images
  ├─┬ watch
  │ └─┬ (parallel)
  │   ├── watchFiles
  │   └── browserSync
  ├─┬ build
  │ └─┬ (parallel)
  │   ├── html
  │   ├── styles
  │   ├── scripts
  │   ├── images
  │   └── copy
  ├── clean
  └─┬ serve
    └─┬ (series)
      ├─┬ (parallel)
      │ ├── html
      │ ├── styles
      │ ├── scripts
      │ ├── images
      │ └── copy
      └─┬ (parallel)
        ├── watchFiles
        └── browserSync

gulp serve

This is the most usefull and commonly used task, which basically runs everything. It builds the complete dist folder and a css folder inside the src/styles directory that contains the compiled stylesheets without minification and autoprefixing and then it starts a local server and begins to watch the critical files for changes. It is the combination of the next two tasks, build and watch.

gulp build

This task builds the final dist folder, that contains all the necessary project files ready for deployment.

gulp watch

This task starts a local server at port 3000 and watches for any changes made in the html, styles, scripts or images files, if a change is made then the appropriate task is executed and the browser automaticaly refreshes to reflect it.

gulp clean

This task deletes any file or folder the task runner has created.

gulp html

This task minifies any html file it finds in the src root directory, the minification collapses the whitespace, minify any internal CSS and removes the comments.

gulp styles

This task handles the styles folder for scss compiling and css minification and creates a css folder inside the src/styles right after it compiles the scss files. Also, it autoprefixes rules to support the last 2 browsers versions and internet explorer 9 and up.

gulp scripts

This task uglifies any javascript file it finds inside the src/scripts directory and outputs them to the corresponding folders in the dist folder.

gulp images

This task optimizes all .jpeg, .jpg, .gif, .png and .svg files inside the src/images directory and outputs them to the corresponding folders in the dist.

For .jpeg and .jpg it uses lossless conversion to progressive and it interlaces .gif for progressive rendering.

Additional files and folders

The assets folder will contain all files related to the project, such as psd files, stock/placeholder photos, icon sets, txt notes etc.

This folder isn't tracked by the task runner and it shouldn't contain any code files that are intended for distribution.

In this file you can provide any informations about the authors, the techonologies used and any other information that describes the project. It is encoded in UTF-8.

For more informations visit

In this file you can specify which search engine robots can crawl your website. It is already set to allow any robot to scan any page and it can be used in conjuction with the robots meta tag in the head of the HTML pages. It is encoded in ANSI.

for more informations visit

You can use this file to list all available URLs of the website for crawling from the search engines.

For more informations read this wikipedia article.


  • browser-sync: "^2.26.3",
  • del: "^4.0.0",
  • gulp: "^4.0.0",
  • gulp-autoprefixer: "^6.0.0",
  • gulp-cssnano: "^2.1.3",
  • gulp-htmlmin: "^5.0.1",
  • gulp-imagemin: "^5.0.3",
  • gulp-sass: "^4.0.2",
  • gulp-uglify: "^3.0.2"

Project structure

  ├── assets
  ├── dist (Handled from gulp tasks)
  ├── node_modules (Will be created by npm install)
  ├── src
  │   │
  │   ├── images
  │   │   ├── backgrounds
  │   │   ├── icons
  │   │   └── logos
  │   │
  │   ├── scripts
  │   │   ├── vendor
  │   │   └── main.js
  │   │
  │   ├── styles
  │   │   ├── scss
  │   │   │   ├── base
  │   │   │   │   ├── _base.scss
  │   │   │   │   ├── _reset.scss
  │   │   │   │   └── _typography.scss
  │   │   │   │
  │   │   │   ├── components
  │   │   │   │   └── _components.scss
  │   │   │   │
  │   │   │   ├── layout
  │   │   │   │   ├── _grid.scss
  │   │   │   │   ├── _helpers.scss
  │   │   │   │   └── _layout.scss
  │   │   │   │
  │   │   │   └── utilites
  │   │   │       ├── _utilities.scss
  │   │   │       └── _variables.scss
  │   │   ├── vendor
  │   │   └── main.js
  │   │
  │   ├── humans.txt
  │   ├── index.html
  │   ├── robots.txt
  │   └── sitemap.xml
  ├── gulpfile.js
  ├── package.json


John Mantas - Initial Work


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.


An opinionated and simple starter kit that contains the basic structure and code files to quickly start developing web pages or apps.








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