Create a directory for this project and a Python 3 virtual environment, and activate the environment:
mkdir bmrcportal
cd bmrcportal
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
Install git if necessary and clone the repository:
brew install git
git clone
Install required Python packages via pip:
cd bmrcportal
pip install -r requirements.txt
Configuration files are not included in the Git repository. Request one from another developer and place it at config/
If you're running the site on a development machine, you'll need to set up a tunnel for SSH connections. Run a command like the one below in a new console window:
ssh -D 9090 -q -C -N <cnetid>
To get started, set the FLASK_APP environmental variable and run the flask command to see what's available:
export FLASK_APP=bmrcportal
Facets on the website are represented by collections in MarkLogic- you can browse MarkLogic collections directly with commands like the following:
flask browse-archives | python -m json.tool | less
flask browse-decades | python -m json.tool | less
flask browse-organizations | python -m json.tool | less
flask browse-people | python -m json.tool | less
flask browse-places | python -m json.tool | less
flask browse-topics | python -m json.tool | less
To run a local version of the site for testing, use the following command and open a web browser to localhost:5000:
flask run
Search for "Gwendolyn Brooks" (without quotes.) As of August, 2021 this search returns 35 results. Clicking the page "2" link should take you to the next page of results. When you're on the final page, the "Next page" link should be deactivated.
A search for "jazz" should return 115 results, as of August, 2021. Clicking on the first result should display a finding aid.
Click the "view more" link in one of the sidebar facets, and then click "view all". The facet overlay should appear.
Facets should be sortable.
If a user has a facet selected and executes a new search, the new search should clear the old facet away. Search for "Chicago". Click the "Jazz (38)" facet in the sidebar. Search for "John Cage". The "Jazz" facet should be gone.
Confirm that the sort interface works correctly. The current selected sort should be displayed as a button, and the inactive sorts should displayed as text. On hover, the inactive sorts should be displayed as buttons. Confirm that this works the same on the "view all facet overlay", the browse display and on the search display.