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A simple library for creating tabular PDF reports in Python using the excellent ReportLab PDF library ( Here's an example:

#!/usr/bin/env python

from import Report
from podunk.widget.table import Table
from podunk.widget.heading import Heading
from podunk.prefab import alignment
from podunk.prefab.formats import format_us_currency
from podunk.prefab.formats import format_two_decimals

table = Table()

col = table.add_column('employee')

col = table.add_column('rate')
col.row.format = format_us_currency = alignment.RIGHT

col = table.add_column('hours')
col.row.format = format_two_decimals = alignment.RIGHT

col = table.add_column('pay')
col.row.format = format_us_currency = alignment.RIGHT

for x in range(10):
    table.add_row(['Smith, John', 10.0, 80.0, 800.0, ])


report = Report('test.pdf')
report.title = 'Payroll for July 18, 2008' = 'Test Script'
report.add(Heading('A Sample Payroll'))

Which creates:

##Info Requires: ReportLab PDF library for Python ( Tested on: Fedora Linux License: BSD (see the example font files for their individual licenses). ##Why Podunk? I wanted a short, modest name for a short, modest project. PDF stands for Portable Document Format so I scribbled down Podofo and immediately thought of Podunk.

###Main Widgetry Report A Report assembles one or more Headers and Tables into a PDF with a title, date, author, and page numbering on each page.


pdf_file - name of the file to create title author page_width - in picas page_height - in picas left_margin - default 54 picas (3/4") top_margin - default 72 picas (1") right_margin - default 54 picas (3/4") bottom_margin - 72 picas (1")

###canvas - the ReportLab Canvas object in case you need lower level access Methods:

Add() - Add a report printable object, currently a Header or Table. Create() - create the PDF ###Heading A Heading object is simply a bold, centered Field object (see below) with some vertical padding. It's used much like the HTML tag of the same name -- an optional label for a Table that follows.


field - a Field object skip - vertical space to pad above the Heading text, default is 10 picas ###Table A Table object is where most of the work gets done. You define columns then add rows of data. Columns and rows are printed in the order they are added.


row_padding - Space between rows, default is 0 column_padding - Space between columns, default is 4 Methods:

add_column(column_name [,width]) - Define a new column. Columns are printed in the order added. Returns the Column object created for tweaking.

add_row(list) - add a row of data provided as a Python list in the same order as the columns were defined.

add_dict(dictionary) - add a row of data using a dictionary where the keys match column names. Unlike add_row(), you may omit columns and they will be filled with None.

average_column(column_name) - Fills in the footer with the average of values in the column. None values are skipped.

count_column(column_name) - Fills in the footer with the count of rows in the column. None values are skipped.

sum_column(column_name) - Fills in the footer with the sum of values in the column.

get_header_field(column_name) - return the header Field for specified column name.

get_row_field(column_name) - return the row Field for specified column name.

get_footer_field(column_name) - return the footer Field for specified column name.

auto_width(canvas) - Shrinks each column to fit the width of the widest element, including headers and footers.

auto_grow(canvas, width) - Scales the entire table to the given width. Columns are proportional to the width of their elements.

total_width() - Returns the width of Table; all columns + padding.

##Sub Widgetry You can ignore these unless you want to tweak or extend the formatting of table elements.

###Field Most of what you display in Podunk is done via Fields. Fields are made up of the following bits:

width - Default is 72 (one inch)

height - Default is 11

box - See below

style - See below

value - Any Python data type. You would have to provide format functions for really odd ones, though. format -See below

###Box A Box object creates a rectangular background with zero to four borders.


left_border - Width in 1/72 of an inch, None = No line (default for all)




border_color - Color in a triple of RGB in the range 0.0 = 1, e.g. (0,1,0) = green

border_style - Dash on, dash off dublet, (1,0) = solid

background_color - Color in a triple of RGB in the range 0.0 = 1, e.g. (.5,.5,.5) = half grey

line_cap - Type of line endings, see the ReportLab docs for more info.

###Style A Style object controls the display of text.


font - A Podunk Font object, default is HELVETICA

bold - default False

italic - default False

size - Font size in picas, default is 7

horizontal_padding - amount of space from horizontal edges in 1/72 of an inch, default is 2

vertical_padding - amount of space from vertical edges in 1/72 of an inch, default is 3

color = Color for the font, default is black (.0,.0,.0)

horizontal_alignment - default is left

vertical_alignment - default is bottom

###Format Formats are simply functions that accept a field's value and return a string. For example, here's a format that converts a float into US currency:

def format_us_currency(value):
    Returns value in monetary format, 2 decimal places, comma separated
    every three digits with a leading dollar sign.
    foo = locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL,('en','ascii')) 
    if value == None:
        retval = ''
        retval = '$ ' + locale.format("%.2f", float(value), True)                  
    return retval

###Column A Column object is a vertical set of data with a header, zero or more rows, and an optional footer.



width - default is 72 picas (1")

header - A Field object that controls the look/format of the column name

row - A Field object that controls the look/format of the rows

footer - A Field object that controls the look/format of the footer. A footer will not print if the value is None (default).


A very nice reportlab class for pdf creation






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