This extension imports records from EXT:tt_news to EXT:news with support for multiple 3rd party extensions which enhance tt_news.
Execution via shell is supported and recommend for all important tasks. For EXT:typo3_console use ./typo3cms instead of ./typo3/cli_dispatch.phpsh extbase.
- TYPO3 CMS >= 6.2
- EXT:typo3db_legacy for TYPO3 CMS >= 9
- Ext:news >= 3.0
GPL v2
The records tt_news are migrated to tx_news_domain_model_news and tt_news_cat to sys_category.
The following 3rd party extensions are supported during the migration and are not needed anymore:
- EXT:dam: The dam records are migrated using the new FAL API.
- EXT:jg_youtubeinnews: YouTube links are migrated to EXT:news media elements
- EXT:tl_news_linktext: Related links are migrated to ext:news link elements
- EXT:mbl_newsevent are migrated to the available fields of EXT:roq_newsevent (News event extension for EXT:news)
- EXT:fal_ttnews: Existing relations are migrated to EXT:news fal_media elements (EXT:news v7.x)
Import of tt_news entries can be done manually via TYPO3 backend module of EXT:news or using shell.
Important: First start import of categories if any, as they will be considered for news entries.
A) Import manually via TYPO3 backend module
This extension registers new import classes for EXT:news and are available in backend modul.
- After installing the extension, switch to the module "News Import".
- Select the wizard you need and press Start.
Important: Reopen the module after importing categories to import news. If you don't reopen the module, some news can be imported twice.
B) Import using shell
# Import tt_news category records
./typo3/cli_dispatch.phpsh extbase ttnewsimport:importttnewscategory
# Import tt_news news records
./typo3/cli_dispatch.phpsh extbase ttnewsimport:importttnewsnews
You can migrate the plugins of tt_news to news by using the command line.
Be aware that not all options are migrated. Supported are:
- what_to_display
- listOrderBy (except: archivedate, author, type, random)
- ascDesc
- categoryMode
- categorySelection
- useSubCategories
- archive
- imageMaxWidth
- imageMaxHeight
- listLimit
- noPageBrowser
- croppingLenght
- PIDitemDisplay
- backPid
- pages
- recursive
not supported:
- croppingLenghtOptionSplit
- firstImageIsPreview
- forceFirstImageIsPreview
- myTS
- template_file
- altLayoutsOptionSplit
- maxWordsInSingleView
- catImageMode
- catImageMaxWidth
- catImageMaxHeight
- maxCatImages
- catTextMode
- maxCatTexts
- alternatingLayouts
Important: Run the plugin migration after the record migration!
Hint: Since TYPO3 version 9.5 command 'run' (which creates a new record below the existing plugin) will not work, if workspace versioned tt_content plugins exists with negative pids. Command 'replace' still works for TYPO3 9.5
# Gives you some information about how many plugins are still to be migrated
./typo3/cli_dispatch.phpsh extbase ttnewspluginmigrate:check
# Creates the plugins for *EXT:news* by creating a new record below the plugin of *EXT:tt_news*
# This makes it possible for you to cross check the migration and adapt the plugins
./typo3/cli_dispatch.phpsh extbase ttnewspluginmigrate:run
# Replace tt_news plugins directly without creating copies
./typo3/cli_dispatch.phpsh extbase ttnewspluginmigrate:replace
# Hide the old tt_news plugins
./typo3/cli_dispatch.phpsh extbase ttnewspluginmigrate:removeOldPlugins
# Deletes the old tt_news plugins
./typo3/cli_dispatch.phpsh extbase ttnewspluginmigrate:removeOldPlugins delete=1
If EXT:fal_ttnews was used, there exists two options to migrate images/media.
A) Migrate manually use of updater by EXT:news_falttnewsimport
Download EXT:news_falttnewsimport from TER. Run the update script via ExtensionManager and unsinstall afterwards.
B) Migrate using shell
The update routine from EXT:news_falttnewsimport is implemented as command and can be executed via shell:
# Migrate fal_ttnews entries
./typo3/cli_dispatch.phpsh extbase falttnewsmigration:migratefalttnews
In case of using EXT:realurl (TYPO3 v8.7 and below) aliases for news with similar titles should be keept. EXT:news documentation offers a SQL update to do so, which is implemented here and can be executed via shell:
# Migrate tt_news realurl unique alias
./typo3/cli_dispatch.phpsh extbase realurluniquealiasmigration:migratettnewsrealurluniquealias
HINT: The script supports EXT:realurl v2.x For versions below 2.x see class RealUrlUniqueAliasMigrationCommandController and switch the uncomment lines in migrateTtNewsRealurlUniqueAliasCommand method.
EXT:news v7 introduces news path_segment for URL generation, which is compatible with EXT:realurl until TYPO3 v8.7. TYPO3 v9.5 introduced Routing, where news path_segment is recommend to use for URL generation. To keep aliases as created by EXT:realurl they should migrated to news path_segment:
# Migrate realurl unique alias into news.path_segment
./typo3/cli_dispatch.phpsh extbase realurluniquealiasmigration:migraterealurluniquealiasintopathsegment
This will only work for empty news path_segment!
The result can still lead in empty slugs fields, which can be manually updated via installtool upgrade wizard "Updates slug field 'path_segment' of EXT:news records" or using EXT:typo3-console:
# Run upgrade wizard:newsSlug
./typo3cms upgrade:wizard newsSlug
see FAQ Section in Documentation/Misc/Index.rst