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Homepage of Mark Gibson (jollytoad)

This is codebase of my personal homepage. It's a place I've created for tinkering.

It runs on Deno, deployed on Deno Deploy.


Install Deno.

Local https support

To emulate a more realistic production environment locally, you can provide a localhost key/cert pair, which automatically be picked up and the server will be run over https.

The simplest way is using mkcert. To install via Homebrew on a Mac (or checkout the link for alternatives):

brew install mkcert nss

Then create certificate and install a local certificate authority:

deno task mkcert

Usage locally

Now start this service:

deno task start


Sign up to Deno Deploy, create a project, and then edit the deno.json file and change the target project in the deploy task.

Grab your Deploy access token, and set the DENO_DEPLOY_TOKEN env var.

To deploy a staging site:

deno task deploy

Or, to deploy to production:

deno task deploy --prod