This project is a full-stack application developed using Spring Boot for the back-end and TypeScript for the front-end. The database used is H2-database.
The goal of this application is to generate a sales report that includes the sale's ID, date, seller's name, and total value. Additionally, there is a "Notify" button for each sale that sends an SMS notification to the registered cell phone with information about the sale.
- JDK 15
- Spring Boot
- Maven
- Postman
- H2 Database Engine
- Twilio
- Heroku
- TypeScript
- JavaScript
- Yarn
- Node
- ReactJS
- Netlify
- VS Code
- Clone the repository.
- Install JDK 15, Spring Boot, Maven, and Postman for the back-end development environment.
- Set up the H2 Database Engine and configure the database connection.
- Install TypeScript, Yarn, Node, ReactJS, and VS Code for the front-end development environment.
- Start the back-end server and run the front-end application.
- Access the application through the provided URL.
The back-end can be deployed on Heroku, and the front-end can be deployed on Netlify for easy access and sharing.
- Access the application through the provided URL.
- View the sales report and click on the "Notify" button to send an SMS notification for each sale.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.