This will upload a screenshot of your own ped (face/mugshot) and return the image url. This is a client-sided function.
- Install my modified screenshot-basic resource.
- Add
start mugshot
to your server.cfg.
Remember to start it after screenshot-basic and before your scripts that are using the export. - This resource uploads images to imgur, you'll need to create a client and add your client ID to the top of the client.js. You can create a client here:
exports['mugshot'].getMugshotUrl(PlayerPedId(), ( url ) => {
emit('chat:addMessage', {
template: '<img src="{0}" style="width: 160px; height: 170px;" />',
args: [url]
exports['mugshot']:getMugshotUrl(PlayerPedId(), function ( url )
TriggerEvent('chat:addMessage', {
template = '<img src="{0}" style="width: 160px; height: 170px;" />',
args = {url}