Pomodoro timer for the fish shell
- Install fish
- (Optional)
in your $PATH - (Optional) A desktop notifier
- OSX: terminal-notifier
- Ubuntu / Debian: notify-send
- Arch: libnotify
- (Optional) An ogg sound player for alarm
- Ubuntu / Debian: vorbis-tools
- Arch: vorbis-tools
General usage
Usage: pomo.fish [start|stop|check] [-p] [-l] [-s] [-v] [-n] [-d duration] [-m message]
start Start a new timer
stop Stop a running timer
check Check an existing timer
Start options:
-p --pomodoro Set duration to pomodoro (25 minutes)
-s --shortbreak Set duration to short break (5 minutes)
-l --longbreak Set duration to long break (10 minutes)
-d --duration <minutes> Duration of timer (default: 25)
-m --message <message> Message to display on completion (default: 'Time is up!')
-n --notify-terminal Notify on terminal instead of desktop on done
-a --alarm <file> Alarm at the end (default: '/usr/share/sounds/freedesktop/stereo/alarm-clock-elapsed.oga')
-v --verbose Notify on terminal every minute
-h --help Display this help message
NOTE: When starting a timer, you will likely want it to run in the background to free up the command line.
Run a standard 25-minute pomodoro with a unique message:
pomo.fish start -p -m "My special message" &
Run a 5-minute break:
pomo.fish start -s &
Run a 10-minute break, receiving a terminal notification (instead of desktop):
pomo.fish start -l -n &
Run a custom minute break, receiving a terminal notification every minute:
pomo.fish start -d 14 -v &
Stop a running session
pomo.fish stop
Check minutes left in a running session
pomo.fish check
If you use Powerline for any of your
tools, there exists a pomo.fish
segment at the pomo-fish-powerline
which you can use to keep track of a running Pomo.fish timer, directly in your
Here's an example segment, placed to the right:
🍅20m 0.5 0.7 0.7 2023-05-29 17:25
This way, you can keep everything at your fingertips, directly in terminal.
You can see more at the repo.