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Categorizing news articles based on headlines using the scikit-learn's Naive Bayes and SGD models, as well as a neural network (Keras). Performance comparison with visualization available.


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News Categorizer

This project is a submission for the 2020 Microsoft Student Accelerator Program, AI & Advanced Analytics bootcamp.

Table of contents


The project idea, choices of models and datasets are summarized in description.pdf.

The aims of this project were:

  • To develop a news headline text classifier.
  • To compare 3 machine learning approaches (Naive Bayes, SGD, neural network) in medium-sized text classification.
  • To roughly estimate what kind of articles the New York Times has been publishing in 2020 (expecting a spike in health-related articles due to the COVID-19 pandemic).

The classifier models were trained to, given a headline text of any length, predict what news category it would belong to, out of "business", "entertainment", "health", and "science/technology".

Dataset sources

  • News Aggregator Dataset: Headlines and categories of 400k news stories from 2014, derived from the UCI Machine Learning Repository dataset.
  • Headlines of the New York Times' monthly free to read articles in 2020 that I gathered from their site map.

Training and testing the models

The training and testing code for the three models used are in both and news-categorizer.ipynb (the former is just a conversion of the latter). Running them will both train and test the models, as well as produce output and visualizations.

The exact preprocessing steps that were taken are documented in the Jupyter notebook.



  • Bar graph of the composition of the training data.
  • Visualizations for the confusion matrices of the Naive Bayes and SGD models
  • Plots of the accuracy and loss across epochs for the neural network
  • A plot of the 2020 New York Times monthly number of articles grouped by category as predicted by the neural network.
  • A CSV of all the free to read 2020 articles gathered, with their predicted categories.

Model comparison

A summary of the model comparison, figures taken from a sample run:

Model Accuracy Training time Preprocessing time
Naive Bayes 92.6% 0.1s 8.1s
SGD 93.8% 3.0s 8.1s
Neural network (non-LSTM) 96.8% 91.9s 13.3s

The loss for the neural network was around 8.8%.

The results are approximate as there are variations between runs due to randomness.

The neural network was chosen for the following analysis due to its high accuracy.

the New York Times analysis

A total of 17235 articles were categorized by the neural network. The results from the sample run:


Unsurprisingly, we see a very sharp increase in health-related articles recently. Perhaps as a consequence of that, there were slight declines in the counts for the other categories. Though, because the 4 categories obviously do not encompass all of the New York Times' content, these results are not to be taken too seriously.

Running on Azure notebooks

The Jupyter notebook is available on Azure notebooks. It is much slower (15-20 minutes to run the whole notebook), but does not require any installation. Select Python 3.6 when prompted about the kernel.

Environment setup and dependencies

As listed in environment.yml, The dependencies are:

  • python>=3.6
  • numpy
  • pandas
  • scikit-learn
  • keras
  • matplotlib
  • seaborn
  • jupyter

Replicate environment

Not needed if the current Python environment already has the dependencies installed.

conda is required for the following steps. Though, installing the above dependencies with pip in a venv Python environment or otherwise will likely also work.

After cloning the repository into a folder, create a conda environment, check that it has been installed then activate it:

conda env create -f environment.yml
conda env list

conda activate nc_env

The dependencies in total take up less than 200MB. This assumes an environment named nc_env does not already exist.

Running on the command line

The script is a direct jupyter nbconvert --to script conversion from news-categorizer.ipynb.


The script will take a several minutes (due to the neural network training) to run.

This will populate the output folder with plots and a CSV.

Running on Jupyter

Install the kernel, then check that it is installed.

ipython kernel install --name "nc_env" --user
jupyter kernelspec list

Launch the Jupyter server, then navigate to and open news-categorizer.ipynb and change the kernel to nc_env (Kernel > Change Kernel).

jupyter notebook

As the cells are run, the notebook will populate the output folder with plots and a CSV.

Dismantling the environment

Removing Jupyter kernel

Shut down the Jupyter notebook server, then run:

jupyter kernelspec remove nc_env

Removing conda environment

Deactivate the environment, then delete it. This frees up the ~200MB of packages installed earlier.

conda deactivate
conda env remove -n nc_env


Categorizing news articles based on headlines using the scikit-learn's Naive Bayes and SGD models, as well as a neural network (Keras). Performance comparison with visualization available.







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