OpenGL introduction application at Computer Graphics (slo. Računalniška Grafika).
- OpenGL Rendering in Qt with GLM
- Projections (Perspective and Orthogonal)
- Camera Translating and Rotating
- Object Translating, Rotating and Scaling
- Interleaved Vertex Buffer
- Loading OBJ Files Dynamically
- Multiple Objects Handling
- Per-Model Buffers
- Texture Mapping
- Simple (X, Y)
- Planar (X, Y, Z)
- Cylindrical (X, Y, Z)
- Spherical (X, Y, Z)
- Blinn-Phong Shading/Reflection Model
- Single Point Light
- Bump (Height) Mapping
- Camera
- Translation: W (Forward) / A (Left) / S (Backward) / D (Right) / Q (Up) / E (Down)
- Rotation: Right Mouse Button + Mouse Axis
- Object
- Translation: H (Left) / J (Forward) / K (Backward) / L (Right) / U (Up) / N (Down)
- Rotation: Y (on Y) / X (on X) / C (on Z)
- Negative Rotation: Ctrl + Rotation Key
- Scale: + (Up) / - (Down)
- Projection Change: P