A Platform for Digital Real-Time Control.
This is an early alpha release.
Users wanting to bypass the rather complicated Xenomai installation process may want to try out the VirtualBox VM (1.5GB) instead. See guide here.
Xenomai Lab needs Xenomai installed on the target system. Xenomai and 2.5.6 are known to be supported. To install Xenomai please refer to the how-to-page or to the official Xenomai wiki page.
In addition to this, Xenomai Lab needs non-root real-time access. Instructions for this are available here, but an abridged tutorial for Ubuntu or other Debian based systems is available in the Appendix section.
$ sudo apt-get install build-essential libqt4-dev libboost-graph-dev
$ qmake
$ make
$ sudo make install
$ sudo make uninstall
Xenomai Lab comes bundled with several useful blocks, but adding new ones is
easy. All blocks are stored in ~/.xenomailab/blocks
. To add a new one, simply
run the newblock.sh
script in that folder.
Here's an example
$ cd ~/.xenomailab/blocks/
$ ./newblock.sh example_block
If you start Xenomai Lab, you'll see your new block listed on the left-hand side under "Real-Time".
If your block is not supposed to run in real-time, you can change it in the
text-file in the blocks directory.
$ gedit ~/.xenomailab/blocks/blocks.conf
There, you can see your block listed.
One of the most powerfull features of Xenomai Lab's blocks is the ability to change some operational settings in runtime. The procedure to edit or add new settings to your own block is not complex per say, but it is somewhat extensive.
There are four types of settings:
- Strings (char[])
- Integer (int)
- Doubles (double)
- Matrices (Matrix)
A block setting lives in 4 distinct places inside the block folder.
Lets illustrate these four places using our example_block
from the previous
The .conf
carries the default value of all settings. When you drag a new
block to the canvas in Xenomai Lab, its settings will be initialized with the
values specified in this file. Here's an example .conf
exemplifying the four
type of settings
aMatrix=[1 0; 0 1]
Notice that these variables must be a single word, with no spaces.
This file contains both the declaration of the struct
which holds the
settings, and the declaration of the gs
variable used to access these settings
from your code.
struct global_settings{
char aString[40];
int anInt;
double aDouble;
Matrix aMatrix;
int task_prio;//Real time task priority (0-99, higher is greater)
extern struct global_settings* gs;
Accessing these variables is as straightforward as it seems. To
print the aString
variable, the code would be
This file contains some unavoidable boilerplate code. Functions load_gs
load and store the settings from the .conf
, respectively.
In effect, these are the functions that map the text written in the .conf
with the variables declared in the struct
. The variable name in the .conf
does not need to be the same as the variable name in the struct, but it
is a good practice to use the same name.
Continuing our example
void load_gs(void){
void unload_gs(void){
store_string("Operation", "aString", gs->aString);
store_int("Operation", "anInt", gs->anInt);
store_double("Operation", "aDouble", gs->aDouble);
Finally, we need a GUI to edit them. The setSettings
member of the MainWindow
class contains all the different settings.
The only detail that may not work as expected is the string. A string setting is presented in the GUI as a combo box, not as a text entry. You don't write a string with the keyboard, you select it from a list.
The signal_generator
block uses this setting to allow a user to choose
between different types of waves. A block that outputs to a serial port might
use a string to allow the user to choose between /dev/ttyUSB0
or /dev/ttyUSB1
Continuing with our example
void MainWindow::setSettings()
newComboBox("aString:",QStringList("Str1") << "Str2" << "Str3",gs->aString);
Using a library involves creating two files and editing a makefile. If the block you're programming is very simple, then using a library is overkill. As a general rule of thumb though, decoupling the block code from its functionality is considered a good practice because
- If the block API changes, your interface may need to change, but your functionality code remains unaltered.
- The block code follows a strict standard and messing with it can generate unexpected bugs. Decoupling assures that the block is almost always innocent and bugs can be localized to your own library.
- A group of blocks can and sometimes should use the same library. This avoids duplication of common code and centralization can greatly increase legibility in some cases, e.g. hardware I/O blocks, control alghorithms,etc.
Here's an example. If you intend to program a block that adds a DC offset to incoming signals, creating a library is overkill. If you intend to program high-pass, low-pass and band-pass block filters, then you should create a library with 3 functions and have each individual block call one of them.
To make your custom block use a .h/.c couple is a matter of altering its
makefile. The recommended way is to leave your .h/.c library in
and add it to the DEP
variable in the Makefile.
Using the example_block
introduced in the last section, we should edit
to use an example_library
DEP=template.c template_settings.c $(INCLUDE)rt_block_io.c $(INCLUDE)settings.c $(INCLUDE)strmap.c $(INCLUDE)mtrx.c $(INCLUDE)example_library.c
As of yet, the oscilloscope is not deployment ready. However, due to its
usefullness I have packaged it in data/oscilloscope.tar.gz
Installing the oscilloscope is a two-step process.
The Oscilloscope requires Qwt 6.0 or greater installed on the system.
To install Qwt, download it from the official site and extract the tarball to a folder. In that folder, run
$ qmake
$ make
$ sudo make install
Afterwards, add the library to ldconfig. To do this, find out Qwt's installation path
cd /usr/local/qwt*/lib/
This returns something like /usr/local/qwt-6.0.1/lib
. Add this string to
sudo vim /etc/ld.so.conf.d/qwt.conf
Afterwards, call ldconfig to refresh all available libraries
sudo ldconfig
To confirm this worked
ldconfig -p | grep qwt
Which should return something akin to
libqwtmathml.so.6 (libc6) => /usr/local/qwt-6.0.1/lib/libqwtmathml.so.6
libqwtmathml.so (libc6) => /usr/local/qwt-6.0.1/lib/libqwtmathml.so
libqwt.so.6 (libc6) => /usr/local/qwt-6.0.1/lib/libqwt.so.6
libqwt.so (libc6) => /usr/local/qwt-6.0.1/lib/libqwt.so
Extract data/oscilloscope.tar.gz
to ~/.xenomailab/blocks/
and add the
oscilloscope to the non real-time list of blocks
sudo gedit ~/.xenomailab/blocks.conf
So that
[Non Real-Time]
Enabling non-root real-time access in Ubuntu (or other similiar Debian based distros) consists in merely two steps. One must add the intended user to the xenomai group, and then pass the xenomai group id to xenomai nucleus during boot.
Adding a user to the xenomai group can be doing via usermod
$ sudo usermod -a -G xenomai USERNAME
To confirm, we can check /etc/groups with
$ cat /etc/group | grep xenomai
which would yield
This means the xenomai group id is 123, and has for members only USERNAME.
To pass this argument to the nucleus is a question of adding the parameter to grub. For example
$ sudo gedit /etc/default/grub
And edit the line
so that it has the argument at the end
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash xeno_nucleus.xenomai_gid=125"
Finally, updating grub will load the new configuration
$ sudo update-grub
Copyright (C) 2012 Jorge Azevedo
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.