Vim-youcolor is a low-key vim colorscheme with an adjustable color palette for cterm color set, which allows you to easily match it with your terminal's theme. It is based on sprinkles. I strongly recommend to check that project out.
Vim-youcolor can be installed in the same way as most other vim plugins and colorscheme. If you don't know how to install vim plugins, I recommend installing youcolor using Vundle.
Plugin 'orggue/vim-youcolor'
You can define a custom color palette for youcolor to use, with the caveats
described above. Just define the variable g:youcolor_palette
in your vimrc:
let g:youcolor_palette = {
\'text': '16',
\'background': '231',
\'black': '16', 'dark_grey': '16',
\'red': '160', 'bright_red': '196',
\'green': '28', 'bright_green': '28',
\'yellow': '178', 'bright_yellow': '221',
\'blue': '31', 'bright_blue': '24',
\'magenta': '161', 'bright_magenta': '139',
\'cyan': '30', 'bright_cyan': '80',
\'white': '188', 'bright_white': '231',
\'grey': '244', 'bright_grey': '244',
\'lightgrey': '253',
colorscheme youcolor