This repository includes what is needed to replicate the experiments in the "Detecting security attacks in cyber-physical systems: a comparison of mule and WSO2 intelligent IoT architectures" article
you can find the datasets and patterns in this repository:
This repository contains the following items:
-, is used to send events from CSV files to CEP engines.
- Esper (folder), contains what you need to deploy Mule. -install_Anypointstudio.pdf, explains how to install anypoint studio. It must be installed before deploying Mule. -Mule deployment instructions.txt, explains step by step how to deploy mule. -IoTSecurityAttacks-patterns.epl, is the file with all the functional patterns., is the Mule project. -FeatureAnomaly.epl and ProtocolAnomaly.epl, are separate specific patterns, it is not necessary to add it.
- Siddhi (folder), contains what you need to deploy WSO2. -Wso2-sp Instalaltion and deployment instructions.txt, explains how to install and deploy WSO2. -wso2application.siddhi, is the file with all the functional patterns. -FeatureAnomaly.siddhi and ProtocolAnomaly.siddhi, are separate specific patterns, it is not necessary to add it.