A dark Vim/Neovim color scheme with rich colors on a deep black background.
Starry Night was inspired by the emotions I get from Van Gogh's usage of bright colors on what should otherwise be a darker palette, and by some beautiful colors from the base16-eighties.vim color scheme. The color scheme itself was created with the Colortemplate plugin.
This color scheme is mostly intended to be used on a GUI. Terminal colors are supported but they were not thoroughly tested and they are simply my best attempt to set the closest matching color available. Constructive feedback is welcome.
You can use any of the conventional methods to install a colorscheme. To install with vim-plug add the following line to the vim-plug section of your configuration file:
Plug 'josegamez82/starrynight'
To enable Starry Night enter the following command into Vim/Neovim:
:colorscheme starrynight
Or add the following to your configuration file:
colorscheme starrynight