This is my submitted digital artifact for my university Final Year Project. My project was titled "Exploring the Viability of Implementing Accessibility Features at a Game Engine Level". You can read more about it on my website!
A lot of this engine was developed prior to the project for other university units and on my own time. This repository is intended to show a project that I have worked on over an extended period of time as-is, and as such is only for demonstration purposes and should not be used for anything else.
Please contact me via my website if you have any questions or comments!
Important notes:
- ALL commands shown here begin and end at this root.
- This project has only been developed and tested on Windows machines.
Option A:
Run _gen_and_build.bat
Option B:
Follow separate instructions below to generate and then build
Option A:
Run tools/gen.bat
Option B:
1. 'cd build' (make sure that a directory named 'build' exists!)
2. 'cmake ..'
3. 'cd ..'
Option A:
Run tools/build.bat
Option B:
1. 'cmake --build build' (again, make sure that a directory named 'build' exists!)
2. Copy .dll files from "dep/bin" to the same location as the produced .exe : build/release/ or build/debug/